Doctor Who Tribute (1963-2020)

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Duration: 2:43

Hope you enjoy!

William Hartnell - The First Doctor
Patrick Troughton - The Second Doctor
Jon Pertwee - The Third Doctor
Tom Baker - The Fourth Doctor
Peter Davison - The Fifth Doctor
Colin Baker - The Sixth Doctor
Sylvester McCoy - The Seventh Doctor
Paul McGann - The Eighth Doctor
John Hurt - The War Doctor
Christopher Eccleston - The Ninth Doctor
David Tennant - The Tenth Doctor
Matt Smith - The Eleventh Doctor
Peter Capaldi - The Twelfth Doctor
Jodie Whittaker - The Thirteenth Doctor
Jo Martin - The Fugitive Doctor

Pearl Mackie - Bill Potts
Jenna Coleman - Clara Oswald
Mandip Gill - Yazmin Khan
Tosin Cole - Ryan Sinclair
Sheridan Smith - Lucie Miller
Maggie Stables - Evelyn Smythe
Phillip Olivier - Hex Schofield
Miles Richardson - Irving Braxiatel
Sean Carlsen - Narvin
Robert Jezek - Frobisher
Ruth Bradley - Molly o Sullivan
Karen Gillan - Amy Pond
Elizabeth Sladen - Sarah Jane Smith
Caroline John - Liz Shaw
Frazer Hines - Jamie McCrimmon
Mary Tamm - Romana I
Lalla Ward - Romana II
Juliet Landau - Romana III
Billie Piper - Rose Tyler
Catherine Tate - Donna Noble
Freema Agyeman - Martha Jones
Sophie Aldred - Dorathy McShane
Nicola Bryant - Peri Brown
Bonnie Langford - Melanie Bush
John Barrowman - Jack Harkness
Carole Ann Ford - Susan Foreman
Jaqueline Hill - Barbera Wright
William Russell - Ian Chesterton
Maureen O Brien - Vicki Pallister
Jean Marsh - Sara Kingdom
Peter Purves - Steven Taylor
Jackie Lane - Dodo Chaplet
Arthur Darvill - Rory Williams
Deborah Watling - Victoria Waterfield
Wendy Padbury - Zoe Herriot
Matt Lucas - Nardole
Louise Jameson - Leela
Janet Fielding - Tegan Jovanka
Mark Strickson - Vislor Turlough
Anneke Wills - Polly Wright
Michael Craze - Ben Jackson
Nicola Walker - Liv Chenka
Hattie Morohan - Helen Sinclair
Lisa Bowerman - Bernice Summerfield
Bradley Walsh - Graham O Brien
Sharon D Clarke - Grace O Brien
Eve Myles - Gwen Cooper
Gareth David Lloyd - Ianto Jones
Nicholas Courtney - Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart

Rodger Delgado - The Master
Anthony Ainley - The Master
Geoffrey Beavers - The Master
Alex MacQueen - The Master
Derek Jacobi - The Master
John Simm - The Master
Michelle Gomez - The Master/Missy
David Bradley - The First Doctor
Tim Trelor - The Third Doctor
David Warner - Unbound Doctor
Mark Gatiss - Unbound Doctor
Rupert Vansittart - Slitheen/Asquith
Nicholas Briggs - The Daleks/The Cybermen
Alex Kingston - River Song
Michael Jayson - The Valeyard
John Leeson - K9

Episodes: An Unearthly Child - Revolution of the Daleks

Doctor Who
The Doctor
Doctor Who Tribute
Doctor Who Revolution of the Daleks
Doctor Who News
Doctor Who Trailer
Jodie Whittaker
Mandip Gill
Tosin Cole
Bradley Walsh
William Hartnell
Doctor who Regeneration
Patrick Troughton
Jon Pertwee
Tom Baker
Peter Davison
Colin Baker
Sylvester McCoy
Paul McGann
Christopher Eccleston
David Tennant
Matt Smith
Peter Capaldi
Big Finish
Nu Who
Classic Who Doctor Who Audio
Doctor Who Series 13