download stage 1 (kinda?)

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Duration: 5:47

shot: spread (it covers almost the whole screen, idc if it's more or less powerful)
subshot: missiles (they clear bullets and you can use them up to 48 times)
==== 1-1
stay on the left side in the middle
go between enemies that stop, as they shoot lasers
clear bullets with missiles if necessary
---- 1-1 boss
it follows a lissajous curve while shooting missiles, shoot missiles back and it'll die

==== 1-2
stay on the left side, but a bit below the middle
there are new groups of enemies, but they're intuitive
shoot down enemies that bounce if you shoot them down, macro missiles of the other enemies that hang around at the top
---- 1-2 boss
hug the ground and put your vertical shot a bit to the left of the SECOND red mark from the right, then wait
if you do that with the rightmost mark, you'll be in an infinite, i think you can counterstop like this but it'll take forever

==== 1-3
first you shoot stuff down and dodge, make sure to kill the orange things before they reach you
shoot a few missiles at the spiral looking thing
laser walls alternate between short and long activations, pass them after the long one, one at a time
kill stuff with your diagonal shot, then hug the ground and hide away, then more diagonals and collect the power-ups
missile the guy through platforms, then wait until the second guy is in the middle of the screen, then put your butt in its face and graze the platform in front with your diagonals
shoot a guy, go through a tiny gap (collding is okay)
stand still if anything flickers, missile anything sus
---- 1-3 boss
shoot down its parts, missile whenever it shoots bullets (you'll get a refill anyway)