Emails, Dr. Garrett, October 2023, Joanne GreenbergLand (10 22 2023)

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Duration: 3:08

Emails, Dr. Garrett, October 2023, Joanne GreenbergLand.

Filmed October 22, 2023.

My Email:
Oct 22, 2023, 9:15 AM
I wasted so much time waiting for Godot. I'm afraid I'm sick and dying from a terminal, life-threatening illness. But there's no medical evidence this is true yet. They say horrible mental health and solitude is deadlier than smoking. I'm totally screwed. I'm going to get cancer.

I'd be enraged at my parents if I got cancer. Why didn't they intervene? Why did they allow me to waste 36 years of solitary, unloved, pain and suffering? But my chains are internal, not maternal. I did it to myself. No one had me at gunpoint. It was anxiety and agoraphobia.

At this moment, I'm healthy. Take accountability, come back with determination, and live life. Everyone else has been having fun for years. I haven't been. I've been in Joanne GreenbergLand. It's time for me to enjoy my life too. Better late than never. Go out there and find love.

In fairy tales, a wealthy magical dream woman might come to you and rescue you from schizoaffective wonderland. In the real world, I was pouring my life down the drain, alone in my head, in a daydream land, out of touch with reality because I wasn't socializing with anyone.

Psychopharmacologists and doctors who specialize in medication might say I need antipsychotics. Nope, what I need to do is interact with friends, to get independent, and to develop a life in the real world. Socialization is more effective than any clozaril or antipsychotics.

I'm crying out to be loved and for intimacy and psychopharmacologists say there's something wrong that needs to be chemically lobotomized. However, no one is forcing me to sit in complete isolation. If I choose to do that, I'll ultimately get medicated with a mega regimen again.

Dr. Garrett's Email:
Oct 22, 2023, 9:49 AM

Your reflection in this email is well grounded in reality. Stay there, and get moving, out into the world. Your mother has been trying to intervene for years, as have I and Dr Copeland. I hope I am hearing a determination in you to end the wait for Godot and make a life happen for yourself. Only you can do this. The chains are internal, not maternal.

Dr G

Dr. Garrett
October 2023
Joanne GreenbergLand