Event0 Trailer & OPN Review

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daUMB6Bdg0o

Event 0 (2016)
Duration: 1:51


The Verdict on OpNoobs.com:

Overall I enjoyed Event[0]. I had a blast conversing with Kaizen, finding out its limitations and exploring as many communication threads as I could. The back story surrounding the mysterious events you find yourself in are beautifully thought out, with motives and perspectives changing your own thoughts and opinions of what happened on the Nautilus as you discover more and more pieces of information littered throughout the environment.

But that’s exactly the problem with this kind of games, isn’t it? Once you know everything, what’s there to do? That seemed to be the main complaint I found circulating from friends after playing games like Firewatch, Dear Esther, and Gone Home. But is that fair criticism? We grow up playing games where gameplay is defined as running, jumping, solving puzzles, all visual things that are easy to define, but what if the gameplay is solving mental puzzles? What if gameplay is creating a relationship with a computer AI? What if gameplay is just finding out the story, not skipping it because my princess is in another castle? Honestly, the answer to that question is not as easy as I’d like it to be; but I do know that I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Kaizen in Event[0], and I’m definitely looking forward to having more natural conversations with my NPCs in the near future. I can only hope that this form of communication is expounded on and implemented regularly in tomorrow’s titles.

Simple puzzles, lack of traditional “gameplay”, and a quick completion time are problems that are easily overshadowed by a well thought out story that can be as fleshed out as the player allows, interesting environments that suit the era and complement the narrative, and a wonderfully complex AI to interact with on an eerily natural level. Multiple endings encourage replayability, but the dependence on story and plot twist hinder their true effectiveness. If you enjoy a good story, do yourself a favor and have a little chat with Kaizen.

sci-fi narrative exploration game
Ocelot Society