Final Fantasy XI - Wotg first cutscene

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Duration: 7:30

here you see the first cutscene you get when you enter the Maw.
below here you see the cutscene text. i'm flasher in the text...


Flasher: 1

*The vines covering the cavernous maw shudder violently.

Cavernous Maw: GraAaAaaaAAgh!

*Flasher is engulfed by the cavernous maw!

*A disembodied metallic voice drifts towars you...

???: ... so awfully busy spinning...
Perhaps...a trifle tired... the journey...

???: blue...
Perhaps...some help...better...?

???: Even if there was one kindly soul to aid me in this endeavor, still...

???: Oh, you deign to agree?

???: Aha!
Why stop at one person? Why not ask two, or perhaps even three...?

*Flasher is thrown out into the void!

Regal Feline: Hello?

Regal Feline: Was there someone here? Hereabouts?

Regal Feline: Or am i jumping at shadows?

*** Area: Sauromugue Champaign [S] ***

Carlisle: Lysander!
This is a key location in Jeuno's defenses. Don't think you can take it easy when i'm not looking over your shoulder!

Lysander: Heh, why don't you go ahead and chase all those beastmen off for me, then?

Carlisle: Hah! You make it sound a simple task!
These are the friends that bathed Windurst in blood, and crushed the Royal Knights of San d'Oria!

Lysander: Don't whimper like a little girl, Carlisle!

Lysander: I have faith in your amazing luck on the battlefield!

Barnabas: Captain Lysander!
Look! Another of those monstrosities...!

Lysander: So, we have a maw in Sauromugue Champaign now, too...

Lysander: How many of these things do we have confirmed?

Alystar: Well, sir, there's one in the Rolanberry Fields, one in Batallia Downs, and now this one in Sauromugue Champaign...

Barnabas: Alystair.
Aren't you forgetting the reports from our allies?

Alystar: Ah, you're quite correct, sir!

Alystar: Including the three Jeuno has confirmed, there have been nine maws discovered in total, sir.

Barnabas: Hahaha.
You Needn't be so formal, son.
This isn't the parade ground.

Lysander: Still, that's not a small amount, even if they have spread over two contiments...

Lysander: Could it be the arrival of the "Harbinger"...?

Alystar: You speak of the prophecy, sir?

Lysander: Maybe i'm reading too much into it, but something feels wrong to me...

Alyastar: Rumors in Bastok say these maws are monsters set loose by the beastmen... or maybe even the Kindred.

Barnabas: They say the same in Windurst.

Lysander: We are at war.
It's natural for people to jump to conclusions.

Lysander: But the truth is,we still have no facts either way.

Barnabas: We do know these things appeared right at a time when the beastmen forces suddenly grow in size.
That can't be a coincidence.

Lysander: It's certainly worth looking into...

Lysander: Is that...a person!?

Alystar: Uh...!

Alystar: You're not a Jeunoan soldier...
State your name and regiment!

Lysander: At ease, Corporal.
I don't think she bites.

Barnabas: What happened, ma,am?
Did you hit your head, or something?

Barnabas: Altana only knows what you were doing out here, but you better head to the safety of town.

Alyastar: Sergeant Barnabas.
Civilian entrance to Jeuno is currently restricted...

Barnabas: Ah, that's right!
If you walk straight south of here, you should come across the base the Royal Knights are constructing
What was that fancy Elvaan name for it? Garl..?

Alyastar: Sergeant!

Barnabas: Well, be careful wandering around Sauromugue Champaign in any case. It isn't safe.

Lysander: On your way, civilian.

Barnabas: Should we return to Jeuno and report, Captain?

Lysander: Yes, Archduke Kam'lanaut must be informed of the existence of this new maw.

*A portal has opened within the depths of the maw.

*Obtained key item: Pure white feather.
