FreeSpace: The Great War - [Final Mission] - The Great Hunt

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Duration: 21:42

The Lucifer still has too large of a head start... Can we reach it in time?


----[Video Information]----

This playthrough will be done on a Mission by Mission format. One video is one mission; I will have to break up 2 part missions into their own thing as technically they are their own missions.
This was recorded in OBS/Display Capture.

My audio was recorded into OBS through Nvidia Broadcast and then edited in Audacity.

----[Please Note]---

This playthrough was recorded with a slight flaw. Every now and again you'll hear my audio kinda (for lack of a better term) “crack." This was due to my audio driver being a misbehaving twit that hopefully by the time you see this playthrough is FIXED for future ones. I did get a new microphone to be safe (mine was like...9 years old at the time of writing this).

I have cut out/fixed what I could and honestly it's only the odd one or two cracks that become a bit hard to understand. I've subtitled them just to be safe.
But I enjoyed this playthrough too much to scrap it so I hope you can forgive this slight problem.


For this playthrough, I'm using the FreeSpace Open Source Project, a massive undertaking of a team of developers to make FreeSpace an open and moddable game, and honestly they've done a damn fine job.

You can check their site here: and download the FSOpen installer there too, it's well worth it.

I also recommend if it's not included to get the Knosses launcher too, makes modding it so much easier as it's just download and install! You can find it here:

You do need a purchased copy of FreeSpace 2 for modding to work!

The mod we are using for this run is called: FreeSpace Port MediaVPs 4.5.1
It's a combination of the port of FreeSpace 1 into FreeSpace 2 and the Media texture overhaul; you can find it on Knosses or here:


You can purchase the original FreeSpace game on GoG or Steam!
The Steam one (for me) is a little cheaper, but my version is on GoG and it does go on sale quite often I find.

If you plan to play the modded version you'll need FreeSpace 2, which you can purchase from GoG.
You only need FreeSpace 2 if you plan to play the modded version.

----[Final Note]----

I had a lot of fun playing this. It was quite entertaining going back into a really old game I used to play when I was so young (I'm not that old either, ha). It's clunky at times, sure, but its charm is still there.

I do highly recommend you play it; if not for the main story, the player made campaigns as well. There are quite a few good ones floating about that are well worth a look!

Thanks for watching!
#Medivak #Playthrough #FreeSpace #SpaceSim