"Freezer door open too long alarm" circuit.

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F170j7Ktr-4

Duration: 23:35

One thing I didn't say in the video is that the output of most 74HCxx logic gates can only source or sink small amounts of current. In the case of the SN74HC7001 used in this circuit, the guaranteed amount is 4mA. Fortunately, bipolar transistors can be used to control large currents with much smaller ones.

Futurelec NE558 - https://www.futurlec.com/Linear/NE558Npr.shtml

AdaFruit LED light & beeper tower - https://www.adafruit.com/product/2994

Falstad Circuit Sim import code -

$ 1 0.00009999999999999999 3.5993318835628396 54 5 43
150 -352 -16 -240 -16 2 2 0 5
150 -672 -32 -544 -32 2 2 0 5
c -400 64 -400 96 0 0.000009999999999999999 0.017926990539186637
r -400 -32 -400 16 0 100000
g -400 96 -400 112 0
w -400 -32 -352 -32 0
w -672 -48 -672 -16 0
s -832 -128 -768 -128 0 0 false
g -672 80 -672 96 0
r -672 -48 -672 -96 0 47000
R -480 -96 -480 -128 0 0 40 5 0 0 0.5
w -352 0 -352 64 2
w -448 64 -400 64 0
r -672 32 -720 32 0 1000
w -672 32 -672 -16 2
c -672 32 -672 80 0 1.0000000000000001e-7 0.10416666666667052
w -400 96 -448 96 0
w -400 64 -352 64 0
w -480 -96 -672 -96 0
t -496 64 -480 64 0 -1 3.7947981729921265 -0.5938935033438248 100
t -480 80 -448 80 0 1 0.593381333124862 0.6113083236640486 100
w -400 -32 -544 -32 0
w -480 -96 -480 48 0
r -544 64 -496 64 0 470000
150 128 208 256 208 2 2 0 5
c 128 288 128 336 0 0.000009999999999999999 4.982071748122645
t 192 320 176 320 0 1 -4.982071734122645 9.999999961337785e-9 100
r 192 320 256 320 0 100000
w 128 336 176 336 0
g 128 336 128 352 0
w 128 224 128 288 2
r 128 288 176 288 0 20000
w -192 288 -192 272 0
r -240 272 -192 272 0 154000
w -240 208 -240 272 2
w -112 304 -112 192 0
g -240 320 -240 336 0
w -240 320 -192 320 0
r -176 304 -112 304 0 100000
t -176 304 -192 304 0 1 -2.5196879920281314 9.99998357356719e-9 100
c -240 272 -240 320 0 0.000009999999999999999 2.5196880328280957
150 -240 192 -112 192 2 2 0 5
s 16 192 80 192 0 0 false
w 176 288 176 304 0
w 256 208 256 320 0
w 80 192 128 192 0
R 128 112 128 80 0 0 40 5 0 0 0.5
t 112 128 128 128 0 -1 -0.5146537192198926 -0.5325819710972475 100
r 112 128 64 128 0 100000
w 128 144 128 224 0
w 16 192 16 128 0
f -112 304 -64 304 32 1.5 0.02
g -64 320 -64 336 0
R -64 240 -64 208 0 0 40 12 0 0 0.5
f 256 320 304 320 32 1.5 0.02
g 304 336 304 352 0
r 304 256 304 304 0 1000
R 304 256 304 224 0 0 40 12 0 0 0.5
162 -64 240 -64 288 2 default-led 1 0 0 0.01
r -400 16 -400 64 0 100000
r 80 192 80 240 0 4700000
g 80 240 80 256 0
w -112 192 16 192 0
r -288 272 -240 272 0 75000
w -288 176 -288 240 0
t -304 256 -288 256 0 -1 -0.47129765748589014 0.8193561470768856 100
w -112 144 -112 192 0
r -352 256 -304 256 0 100000
w -112 144 -352 144 0
l -768 32 -720 32 0 0.001 -0.00010416666666704563
w -240 176 -240 -16 0
w -352 144 -352 256 0
w -768 -128 -768 32 0
w -832 80 -672 80 0
w 16 128 64 128 0
w -544 -32 -544 64 0
w -832 -128 -832 80 0
w -288 176 -240 176 0
o 14 16 0 4099 5 0.0001953125 0 2 14 3
o 35 16 0 4099 5 0.00009765625 0 2 35 3
o 44 16 0 4099 5 0.00009765625 0 2 44 3

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