I Wanna Eat Your Face (A Serenade)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFjlwjaWzSY

Duration: 7:18

Just in time for Thanksgiving, here's a song from someone who truly adores food, the goopy alien Creature from 1983's Spaceship (aka The Creature Wasn't Nice, AKA Naked Space). One of the best scenes in the film, features Dr. Stark creating an aparatus to allow them to understand the alien's speech. And in return, the monster serenades them with a fantastic little song and dance number, all about how he want to...well...EAT them!

So enjoy the song, and Happy Holidays!

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I Wanna Eat Your Face
Spaceship 1983
Naked Space
The Creature Wasn't Nice
Spaceship monster song
eat your face song
red alien monster song
get bonus
retro revelations
songs about food
songs about eating
thanksgiving songs
leslie nielsen movies
alien movies
space movies
sci fi movies
sci fi comedies