Japanese Wii Fit Trainer amiibo Unboxing?!

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45KEmdh43Pk

Wii Fit (2007)
Duration: 2:07

So, here's the story. I was supposed to get an imported Villager and Wii Fit Trainer for Christmas. The order got screwed up. Villager was said to be cancelled, however both figures said that the product was discontinued (PlayAsia). I was then told that Wii Fit Trainer was supposed to be shipped on Christmas Eve. The status of the figure was unknown, but then FedEx said that the package would be delivered. This should have been up on Sunday, but I was too lazy to upload it, and it also should have been recorded on Saturday, but I didn't have the strength to open it, since I nearly passed out in a Shaws a couple hours before. So, enjoy this unboxing, and hope I can get Sheik and Rosalina (that one scalper who got 100 of each with no intent to resell them. GRR.)

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Wii Fit Statistics For Brian McCarthy

There are 173 views in 1 video for Wii Fit. Less than an hour worth of Wii Fit videos were uploaded to his channel, less than 0.04% of the total video content that Brian McCarthy has uploaded to YouTube.