Joker vs Taxi Driver - Face Off

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Duration: 13:17

Our first explosive FACE-OFF episode of 2023 takes a look at two bleak depictions of societal breakdowns, political issues and misplaced heroism through the perspective of seriously damaged anti-heroes. Both Taxi Driver and Joker stand as memorable psychological thrillers and true showcases for their leads.

In Taxi Driver, Travis Bickle is a self-proclaimed “god’s lonely man” just “waiting for the sun to shine” and he wants to clean the streets of the scum, the dogs and the filth. As a Marine vet with PTSD, out of the jungles of Vietnam and back into the asphalt jungle of New York, there are few he can turn to. He’s also built himself into self-delusions, believing he must “save” people, chiefly two females: campaign worker Betsy and prostitute Iris.

Joker's Arthur Fleck, on the other hand, is a failed comic who suffers from mental illness (think Carrot Top without the props!), including schizophrenia. Tied to a mother with her own serious instabilities, Arthur feels betrayed by both family and, later, society. Make ‘em laugh he will not!

Taxi Driver was a clear influence on Joker, but who did it all better? Who wins out when it comes down to a cab driver and a clown? It might sound like Twisted Metal, but we’re talking two of the most influential movies to ever grace the silver screen - Taxi Driver vs Joker. Whether behind the wheel of a taxi cab or a clown car, let’s gas up as we prepare for: FACE OFF!

This episode of FACE-OFF was written by Matthew Plale, edited by Ric Solomon, narrated by Shawn Knippelberg, produced by Adam Walton and Chris Bumbray and executive produced by Berge Garabedian. If you enjoyed this video, why not subscribe to our channel and tell your friends who may also like this sort of content. A very Happy New Year from us all here at JoBlo!

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