🕹️ Journey To Silius: Stage 1 - (NES) [Music Remix] 🎼
▶Original composer: Naoki Kodaka
Naoki Kodaka is a Japanese video game music composer who worked for Sunsoft. He is currently a professor of music at several universities and occasionally composes new music for special events.
He is best known for writing the soundtracks for Journey to Silius, Batman (NES and Genesis versions), Blaster Master, Gremlins 2: The New Batch, the Albert Odyssey series, Super Fantasy Zone, and a few other titles.
▶The game: Journey to Silius was originally based on the 1984 film The Terminator, but the licensing rights to the film were lost during development. The graphics and storyline were altered to accommodate this change.
The player controls Jay McCray, as he goes on a mission to defeat the terrorist group responsible for his father's death. There are five stages, consisting of the ruins of a space colony, an underground concourse, the enemy's hideout, a flying spaceship, and a factory. The player must fight his way through an assortment of robotic enemies and security systems in order to reach the end of each stage and fight the stage's boss.
#nintendo #nesmusic #Silius
Other Statistics
Journey to Silius Statistics For NOSTALGIA BUBBLE
At present, NOSTALGIA BUBBLE has 394 views spread across 5 videos for Journey to Silius, and less than an hour worth of Journey to Silius videos were uploaded to his channel. This is less than 0.70% of the total video content that NOSTALGIA BUBBLE has uploaded to YouTube.