Let's play Adventure Ball - Environment 8 - Merrie Englande

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hcAdpR3UNk

The Medium
The Medium (2021)
Let's Play
Duration: 24:31

Environment 8 - Merrie Englande

Story: With his inner courage, Arnold has helped Selenia recover and together, they overmatched Count Vamdemon and Countess Camula, and broke the curse on Miss Frizzle and her class. Upon awakening, Miss Frizzle stated how she had a disturbing dream in which she was turned into a vampire and was turned against her own class and how the rest of Miss Frizzle's class had scary nightmares as well. Selenia told Miss Frizzle that she really was a vampire and that her class had nightmares indeed, but that Arnold had saved the day while also commending him that he's braver than she expected despite often being seen as somewhat of a coward. Selenia, Miss Frizzle and her class find Jenny Justice locked in a sarcophagus and is thankful for being freed and reveals how Vamdemon and Camula locked her in a sarcophagus that was rendering her powerless when the two vampire-like fiends were turning Miss Frizzle into an Aconian. Shortly afterwards, haunted mansion called Spooky Towers started to revert back into Cross Guard hotel and all the other monsters there are reverted back into terrans, and the warden of the Cross Guard called Gaira is thankful for him, Cross Guard hotel and everybody else in it being released from the evil curse by Vamdemon and Camula. Selenia, Gaira, Jenny Justice, and Miss Frizzle awarded Arnold with "Fearless" badge for courage and unwillingness to give up. Miss Frizzle's class insists to Selenia come with them but she refuses because even though she proved that she isn't as evil as her parents Vamdemon and Camula are, she is nevertheless, bound to them by her blood oath, and how she can't live without that oath, much to the other's sorrow. Before bidding farewell, Jenny promises to Selenia that if she can't set her free from her blood oath sworn to Vamdemon and Camula, maybe someone else can. Jenny Justice, Miss Frizzle and her class in the Magic School Bus morphed into a spaceship, set trajectory for the kingdom of Trinca which is also known as Merrie Englande at the planet Lynx. There, they are greeted by Prince Adam, also known as He-Man who announces himself as the class's History teacher. He-Man also states how he received from Alex and Alexis, and the Protorion Master Bonifacius, who is their adoptive father, of Trinca called him for help of liberating their kingdom and their parents Count and Countess of Trinca from a tyrant usurper known as Lord Porcino who rules it with iron fist and who holds their parents captive. Jenny Justice, Miss Frizzle and most of her class are totally up for helping, but one of Miss Frizzle students called Phoebe Terese states how they cannot just blindly charge in action without plan or allies for she suspects that Lord Porcino could prove a dangerous enemy. He-Man states how Phoebe has a point about how they need a plan and also teaches Miss Frizzle's class how a good strategy and a plan are often most important for victory and that no war has even been won without them. So Alex and Alexis, with the help of Miss Frizzle's class send messages to their allies of the Trinca Resistance Movement consisting of blacksmith Julian, knight Sir Wilford and his sidekick Tom, Lula the Toymakeress, Albert - count of Orchid and many other allies of Alex and Alexis. They all heeded the call and accepted to help. For days, Jenny Justice, Miss Frizzle, her class, He-Man, Alex and Alexis, and their allies worked on creating weapons for war and working on a war strategy to win against Porcino. At the night of full moon, all of our heroes launched the attack from all sides against Porcino and his army, and the battle for the liberation of Trinca began. Who will be the victor in this intense warfare?

Gameplay: I apologize for shuting down internet, but that was the only way to record walkthrough of this game without getting rudely interrupted by those ads. But as always, let's refocus on game. Eight environment called Merrie Englande is a medieval-themed environment whose levels are medium-hard. Remember that there are also Increase and Decrease Bat Power-Ups that will modify the size of your bat while Normal Bat will return it to normal, Normal Ball Power-Up will also cause your ball to return to normal by removing all of it's modifiers. And keep in mind that having a large bat is not an advantage when trying to shoot bricks near the walls.

Adventure Ball
Miss Valerie Felicity Frizzle
Arnold Matthew Perlstein
Carlos Ramon
Dorothy Ann Hudson
Keesha Franklin
Phoebe Terese
Ralphie Tennelli
Timothy Tim Wright
Wanda Li
The Magic Scholl Bus
Jenny Justice
Sally McKay
Prince Adam the He-Man
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Alex & Alexis
Master Bonifacius
Sir Wilford
Sir Tom
Lula the Toymakeress
Albert - count of Orchid