Let's Play Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Part 4 (Leyawiin Mages Guild Quest Part 1 of 3)
Well we want to join the mages guild so why not to start with Leyawiin? Dagail has lost her necklace.
Quick navigation for anyone who do not want to watch all of the quest lines, but rather would like to see a few specific ones:
Parts 1 to 3 - Escaping The prison
Parts 4 to 27 - Mages Guild quests and a few related side quests
Parts 28 to 47 - Assassin's Guild quests
Part 48 Sheogorath side quest
Parts 49 to 77 - the main quests with a few random side quests
Parts 78 to 106 - Shivering Isles expansion pack main quests
Oblivion, the fourth game in the Elder Scrolls series, is set within the province of Cyrodiil, the heartland and Imperial
capital of Tamriel. Emperor Uriel Septim VII is assassinated in flight from his own palace, but just before he dies he
passes on to you—the foreordained of his dreams—the mystic Amulet of Kings. The adventure proper begins with the quest to
find Uriel's lost and illegitimate son—the only heir to the throne. In a world where the forces of darkness seek their
ultimate dominion over the ranks of man and mer alike, you alone stand between the future of Tamriel and the gates of Oblivion.
Oblivion was developed by Bethesda Softworks and released in 2006.
I'm playing this game on AcerAspire 5742G laptop. Its specs:
Intel Core i5-480M
NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M
4GB DDR3 Memory
Recording in 720p with Dxtory
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