Mobius FF GL - Pandemonium Ogre (Hard) 5 turns / 2:45 (Tactician Minwu)

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Duration: 3:35

Someone on reddit said that "Looks like minwu is the only useless light supreme again...oh well" so here's a minwu clear.

Yuna Skin - Tactician (Amatsumikaboshi)
Alexander: FFVIII
No rental
Ult at will

I tested Vesna Krasna but the "low" prismatic return procs made me tap too much. I can't use either the Element call bis panel because Ogre doesn't act as fast as neslug. My meia gacha weapon is unmodded as well, so less ult uses.

Best would be either Glam Vamp and Fauviste, but I don't have OB32 Glam Vamp and Fauviste will have the same problem as Vesna, low PR.

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There are 202,349 views in 827 videos for Mobius Final Fantasy. Roughly 3 days worth of Mobius Final Fantasy videos were uploaded to his channel, or 87.10% of the total watchable video on Shiro's YouTube channel.