MOŽE CARRY? | !voko | CS2 FACEIT i PUBG 👑 @safet.curic
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⭕Crypto Donate:
📌Top 26 Donatora (100€+):
1. ervin_c2: €4151.15
2. FoTToNNNN: €959.00 (Crypto)
3. Dzen01921: €945.00
4. СавићМирослав: €905.00
5. RenCi: €810.00
6. Darche: €686.07
7. Malke: €599,25 (Crypto)
8. zAk0: €509.00
9. Hardinho: €350.00
10. JunuZ: €302.00 (Crypto)
11. djoka mukic: €300.88
12. BadGuy: €300.00
13. MEGIBOSS: €265.00
14. Mr.X 97: €230.00
15. Omchoo: €200.25
16. Beki: €180.00
17. Loeg1989: €180.00
18. c0xye: €167.00
19. Markiznho: €145.00
20. SenadDJSN: €130.00
21. UsraniSumar: €120.40
22. Cvele: €115.00
23. Bajro: €110.00
24. combe: €108.20
25. nuni: €100.00
26. DadoTivanovac: €100.00
🖱 Oprema:
• Miš: Zowie Zowie EC2-CW
• Podloga: SteelSeries QCK
• Monitor: ROG SWIFT 360Hz PG259QN
• Tastatura: Xtrfy K5 Compact Custom
• Slušalice: HyperX Cloud II Wireless
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Counter-Strike 2 Statistics For GameInstruktor
There are 10,282,525 views in 1,459 videos for Counter-Strike 2. His channel uploaded over 139 days worth of Counter-Strike 2 videos, or 96.84% of the total watchable video on GameInstruktor's YouTube channel.