Part 4: Meditation doesn't work (the first time)

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Duration: 0:54

Technoblade's Dad became active on Reddit in the last few weeks, and is beginning to grasp the depths of the community's despair. He is incredibly wise, kind, and loving.

One of his posts detailed how to meditate. It's in a comment buried quite deep in this thread:
Mindfulness mediation. You don't even have to take classes (although they do help a lot) but just:

1. Sit somewhere you can sit for a while
2. Straighten up your posture
3. Close your eyes*
4. Breathe in slowly, counting
5. Hold your breath for as long as is comfortable, counting
6. Breathe out slowly, counting

As you get more familiar with your breath, you'll know better how much to count up to for the three sections of counting.

Don't think about anything except breathing. Your brain will run off doing something anyway, again and again. When you notice you're thinking about something that isn't breathing, gently bring your thoughts back to your breath.

Even one breath like this can help. Five minutes is awesome.

Dang, I really should start doing this daily again.
* Or soto zen style: half-close your eyes. The idea is not to escape from the world but to be in it. If you hear a dog barking, then hey: dog barking and let's think about our breath again.
There is a lot of wisdom in that thread. I recommend you check out the whole thing.

My experience of meditation is that it is very difficult to calm your mind, but that with practice it gets easier. If you are still experiencing large waves of grief, try daily meditation to help your brain snap out of the grief cycle.

A reason it works is because deliberately controlling our breath, and counting, bring us to our human brains.

Picture the brain as concentric shells:
Lizard-brain at the core - concerned with fight-or-flight and survival surrounded by the Mammal brain - concerned with emotion
surrounded by the Human brain - concerned with rational, logical thought

Intentionally controlling your breath gets you out of your automatic nervous system, fight-or-flight basic instincts.

Counting activates your mathematical thinking. If 1 through 10 is too automatic, try skip-counting by 7's to engage your logical thinking.

This will help you banish anxious, sad, and negative thoughts. It helps get your brain's synapses firing in a new pattern, that will help you cope with daily life. You don't have to do it all day, but doing it just for a short while can "reboot" your brain to get it in a more functional mode if you are having trouble.

Here's a link to an article about the study referenced at the end of the video:
Technoblade videos referenced in this short:

This is not an outcome that is happening today:

If you wish to defeat me:

First try:

You were so happy:

Techno counting:

This is the fourth of a 5-part series "Calming the Waves of Grief", subscribe to get them all.

Part 1: The metaphor - Waves of Grief
Part 2: Techno-free Tuesdays
Part 3: It's not over
Part 4: Meditation isn't just once
Part 5: It's ok to grieve a parasocial relationship

Note: If you are unable to function due to overwhelming feelings, and self-help isn't working, you need to seek outside help.

If you do not have existing mental health resources and cannot get a medical appointment, consider these internet sources from other creators:
@AnthonyPadilla frequently endorses Better Help:
@HealthyGamerGG also offers coaching resources for gamers.

Here's Dr. K's (HealthyGamer_GG's) thoughts on grief: and


Technoblade Never Dies