Soul Bound Story

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Duration: 20:44

Brainstorm of this Idea:

Game Idea - Soul Bound

- Story - So basically there is this world of Gods with many different powers. These Gods are immortal and when they are bad they get sent to Earth in human form until they learn their lesson and make up for their sins. So basically the souls of the Gods are bound to Earth until they die. And when they die they will either return to their god like form and to their world if they made up for their sins or they will repeat their Earth bound cycle if they were bad, meaning they will reincarnate into a different person and lose their memories.

- The player of the game is a reaper. Your job is to go around and kill everyone, good or bad. If they die young and they were good then that just means they past the test early and if they die young and were bad then that means they needed to restart before doing more harm to the rest of the world.

- Now Earth wasn't created by the Gods for this purpose. It was found with life on it but at the early stages and then humans were created on it. The Gods experimented with the already inhabiting animals until they made a vessel strong enough to bind a God to. Thus mankind was created but the Gods didn't start binding people until around Jesus's time. So the humans before that were living creation prototypes. But they were like an empty shell, with a mind sort of its own.

- There will be 2 parts. You will start off killing people but then a God will get set free and start destroying Earth. This God has been repeating the cycle for centuries, he is the basest of the bad. The player must beat him on Earth and then finish him off for good in his own realm, where he is most powerful. So the second part is following him back to the world of Gods.

- The humans have always worshiped the wrong Gods but they always worshiped their own elements. Thunder Gods worshipped Zeus and etc.

- Reapers - Reapers are Gods that have repeated the cycle but have grown content. At first they thirsted for blood but then the killings no longer interested them but experiencing a kill also didn't give them remorse. So when they finally died again after this stage of their psyche they were given the option to be a reaper, their current abilities only enhance their newly found reaping abilities so they don't lose their true God self but more or less get an upgrade. That's why every reaper has different powers and you can sorta guess which kind of god they used to be based on their element.

- Big Bad Boss - basically there were these three Gods that was such a dick that this whole souls bound thing was created for them. Then it just helped with all their "followers" and other dick Gods. So 1 of the brothers was good and was the reason the rule to become a God again exists. Another brother was a dick and never made it out of the human form and the 3rd brother, well we don't talk about him. But in the end he is revealed to be the big bad boss and has killed his evil even stronger brother and taken his powers. He went crazy and through his insanity found out that he was once a God as well as everyone else. Thought this was shit and tried to destroy everything. But you, the player, is suppose to stop him. He looks like the evil brother in human form on earth but in God form for the second battle he is a mutated form of both brothers.

- The bad Reaper - there has to be a reaper that helps the crazy brother remember his god self as a human and hep him take the powers of his evil brother because reapers are not only pretty souless beings since they have lost all feelings of any kind, they also can go between earth and the god realm as they wish without losing their memories or anything since they are the jailers of Earth

- The beginning can be one of those "I bet you are wondering how I got here" thing and then you go back in time and relive the story. So before the final boss of the game, the gods need more warriors to fight against this crazy threat. So they send you to earth to release all the souls, all the gods, you go back to earth on a massive killing spree to release these souls to build an army

atila the hun