Tamarin - Problems with RapidFire Door? 2 Solutions!
When I was streaming this game earlier this morning on twitch I ran into a problem after getting the Machine Gun, for some reason my attacks weren't landing on the gem which is the hit box to open the gate; I was so frustrated because I was able to open the gate after I stopped streaming but it looks like I had to be at an angle? even when recording this it took me a few trys to get it right.
I saw my Husband DarkLinktheReaper100, struggle with this beginning part on his stream as well tho he found out you can jump through a small hole/gap on the left side of the gate so credit goes to him for this video idea.
I hope this helps some people out if you struggling at aiming at the gate's hitbox!
Sorry if the game lags on my end, my PC isn't a Gaming Laptop so theres some lag in the footage while I was recording.
#Tamarin #TamarinGame
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