[TAS] Golgo 13 Arcade $37,720,940 (With cutscenes)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA7pn5doCAc

Duration: 28:41

Tool-assisted superplay (TAS) of Golgo 13 Arcade $37,720,940 (With cutscenes)

-Game Difficulty: Normal

-This is my first try at this game. Now that I know the game better, I could make a better TAS (and I am doing it right now).

-You can shoot at a maximum of 10 shots per second (every 6 frames). Not that you often have the opportunity to do that since in 15 out of 20 stages you only have one bullet to shoot.
-But you can only shoot on a multiple of 3 frames. So in a TAS, if I want to shoot later, I can't shoot on the next frame but only 3 frames later.

-For each stage you earn money. The amount of money depends on 2 variables:

-At each stage you have to shoot as fast as possible
-You lose $10,000 for every second you let pass
-For example, on stage 12, you have two ropes to shoot, here are some values that I obtained by shooting at different times:
-0.96s = $1,945,700
-1.01s = $1,945,200
-1.06s = $1,944,700
-2:01s = $1,935,200
-As it is not possible to shoot before 0.86 sec, the game steals almost 10,000 points from us :(

-For stages where you can shoot more than one bullet, your rating (out of 1000) will drop depending on the number of bullets that did not hit the target.
-For stages where you only have one bullet to shoot, you get a score (out of 1000) on shot accuracy measuring how close you were to the perfect shot.
-The awarded score is not linear and is higher the closer you get to 1000.

-Stages with multiple bullets, for example on stage 12 you have to shoot 2 ropes, if you shoot them with 2 shots you get 1000 points.
-Here are the points I got for two or more shots (each shot adds 0.1 seconds to the time since we can't shoot faster than 10 shots per second)
2 shots = 1000 in 0.96s +30% = $1,945,700
3 shots = 889 in 1.06s +20% = $1,381,560
4 shots = 750 in 1.16s +20% = $918,300
5 shots = 640 in 1.26s +20% = $694,350
6 shots = 556 in 1.36s +20% = $585,010
7 shots = 490 in 1.46s +20% = $527,170
8 shots = 438 in 1.56s +20% = $494,880
10 shots = 360 in 1.76s +20% = $462,890
11 shots = 331 in 1.86s +10% = $454,680
20 shots = 190 in 2.76s +10% = $429,650
50 shots = 79 in 5.76s +10% = $397,750

-For stages with only one bullet to shoot: Here are the scores I got for different points in the 1st stage so we can evaluate $ value vs accuracy.
-Each shot was made with the same time, so the only variable was accuracy.
-When shooting a human, there are 2 main regions: the heart and the head. You get a lot more points for headshots.
-As far as I know if you hit the heart region you get +10% and if you hit the head you get +30% regardless of accuracy. Everywhere else you get a negative %.
423 (hand) -60% $2,760
427 (heart) +10% $278,290
442 (heart) +10% $285,660 +7370 / 15 = 491 $ per points
447 (heart) +10% $288,330 +2670 / 5 = 534 $ per points
449 (heart) +10% $289,410 +1080 / 2 = 540 $ per points
458 (heart) +10% $294,410 +5000 / 9 = 555 $ per points
939 (head) +30% $1,394,540 +1100130 / 481 = 2287 $ per points (possibly not accurate because of the 20% more)
940 (head) +30% $1,399,570 +5030 / 1 = 5030 $ per points
965 (head) +30% $1,529,140 +129570 / 25 = 5182 $ per points
968 (head) +30% $1,545,400 +16260 / 3 = 5420 $ per points
975 (head) +30% $1,583,910 +38510 / 7 = 5501 $ per points
980 (head) +30% $1,612,000 +28090 / 5 = 5618 $ per points
986 (head) +30% $1,645,910 +33910 / 6 = 5651 $ per points
994 (head) +30% $1,692,660 +46750 / 8 = 5843 $ per points
996 (head) +30% $1,704,540 +11880 / 2 = 5940 $ per points
-We can see that the accuracy scoring is not linear. The closer you get to 1000, the more it pays.
-As we get more than $5000 for each accuracy point, it seems to me that it is more important to be precise than fast.


==========Continue in the pinned comment=========
-YT limit us at 5000 characters here but 10000 in the comments.

What is a TAS? https://www.youtube.com/c/Prog61/about
For a good introduction to TASing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ietk1-Wb7oY
For more information visit https://tasvideos.org.

0:00 Title and Trial
0:36 1 - Semiconductor Crisis
1:54 2 - Miracle on the Rope
2:58 3 - The night before the 'Coup d'état'
4:17 4 - Those who keep order
5:34 5 - Hijacking from the Ground
6:47 6 - The shoes of the mafia
7:56 7 - Plastic Body
9:10 8 - A waiting room called solitary confinement
10:13 9 - Fire Wall
11:36 10 - Bulletproof moat
13:02 11 - Cut image "G"
14:26 12 - Heavy snowfall area
15:56 13 - Made Ballistics
17:27 14 - Violin of memories
18:39 15 - Pro Snipers
19:57 16 - Trolling boat
21:12 17 - Assassination Garden
22:33 18 - Night of the Murder Cult
23:50 19 - Tough magic
25:01 20 - Special Stage
26:17 Credits
27:35 Score
28:05 Title screen

Golgo 13
tool assisted speedrun

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