The German economic model - VPRO documentary - 2012

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Duration: 48:14

While the Netherlands is in a deep crisis, the German economic miracle is going full swing. Why do the Germans do it so much better than us? Alexander Oey crosses the German border to counter the secrets of the German economic model success.
The German economy is a recurring topic in our current politics. A VPRO backlight subtitled documentary.
Original title: Made in Germany
10 years ago Germany was still the "sick man" of Europe: the German reunification took a heavy turn on the country's economic growth and stability. But the Germans are always believing in their own strength. According to the sociologist Ulrich Beck, this is largely due to the conviction that quality, small scale and dedication to the work you do is so deeply rooted in the German society. The origin must be sought in protestantism that laid the foundation for modern Germany.

Together with Dirk Kaesler and Ulrich Beck we investigate the roots of this mentality and encounter unwelcome sides of the German soul. Why do people, all the way to China, prefer to drive in German cars the most? Or why does Hollywood shoot its movies on Arri cameras? And why is the organ builder from Dresden asked all the way from Canada for the Sunday service? With this backlight documentary, we form an answer to this German success model.

We also look at the 'Energy Transition', because Germany is the leader in the transition to sustainable forms of energy. After the fatal accident in Fukushima, with nuclear energy suddenly no longer becoming so harmless, a bold decision was taken in Germany. All nuclear power plants will be closed. But how does the government ensure that the light stays on and that the factories can simply continue their production? In Wiemersdorf, in the north of Germany, they already have the answer.

How important is education in the German economic success? Education is one of the pillars on which a country is building its economy. But why do the Germans do so much better than many other countries in Europe?

Nevertheless, Germany remains untouched by the crisis that Europe is facing. The huge debts that are mainly built by the southern European countries are both beneficial and detrimental to the Germans. Again, the question arises: are we going for a European Germany or will it be a German Europe? According to former European economist Jürgen Stark of the European Central Bank (ECB), you only have to look and wonder why the ECB is in Frankfurt: the answer is clear. In order to better understand Germany now, Backlight is "peeking at the neighbors".

Originally broadcasted by VPRO in 2012.
© VPRO Backlight September 2012

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Direction: Alexander Oey
Research: Olaf Oudheusden and Gerko Wessel
Production: Marie Schutgens
Editors: Henneke Hagen, Jos de Putter and Frank Wiering
English, French and Spanish subtitles: Ericsson.
French and Spanish subtitles are co-funded by European Union.

German success model
german economy
German economic model
Economy Germany
german economic miracle
German economic success
Backlight Economy
Economy documentary
vpro documentary
vpro documentaries
vpro backlight
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documentary subtitles