Title:Let's Play Age of Wonders: Planetfall [Star Kings] - Dogbog Syndicate Heritor - Ep. 8 -Counter
There is some audio garbling when I move the screen around and talk. I have since debugged the problem, but it was very slow going. Unfortunately, the issue persists until the end of the current planet, Erosso (EP: 12). Future planets will not have this problem.
We also lost about 12 minutes of audio. I did a voice over narration to cover for it. After Erosso the videos should be a bit more consistent.
The Amazons position their troops poorly and we assault them at their weakest. We then push the offensive to them.
We are part of the Viegan Parade and we aim to conquer planets in the new Galactic Empire mode with the latest expansion, Star Kings.
Current Planet:
Erosso (Complexity 15)
Paragon Warlord, Data Centers, Powerful Allies, and Service Provision
Current Leader:
Rastilynn - Syndicate Heritor, Merchant Scion, Data Archives, Assault Vehicle, Party Animal.
Age of Wonders Planetfall with Revelations, Invasions, and Star Kings. I am trying to play the game with auto-battle only. I may choose to use it once or twice per planet, but no more than that.
This is a Dogbog video. There are other content creators on this channel, do consider viewing their content as well!
Channel link:
Syndrome's Planetfall Galactic Empire Playlist:
Todbog's Conquest of Elysium Playlist:
Resi's They are Billions Playlist:
Other Videos By Breaking the Stream
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Age of Wonders: Planetfall Statistics For Breaking the Stream
Breaking the Stream currently has 11,287 views spread across 167 videos for Age of Wonders: Planetfall. His channel uploaded over 3 days worth of Age of Wonders: Planetfall videos, roughly 6.62% of the content that Breaking the Stream has uploaded to YouTube.