Vulgar History - Rome - Rise of the Roman Empire part II

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Duration: 21:48

The section I sped up:

so Marc Antony is enraged by this and declares war on the senate, who declares war back at
him, but then the sons of Pompey declare war on both, and then they in fight and split up, with
Sextus Pompey getting a bunch of Sicilian pirates and creating a naval blockade that prevents
Egyptian grain shipments from arriving. Cleopatra declares Egypt to be an independent state
again and conquers Cyprus from rome. Back in Europe, Marc Antony is marching back south,
so the senate sends Octavian, who has recently finished his military training in Illyria to go kick

Marc Antony’s ass, and he does, twice. But then the two of them aly and declare war on Brutus
and Cassius, who flee to Greece for refuge, building an army. Octavian reads Caesar's will and
finds out he gets Caesar's property and money, which infuriates Antony, who tries to flee to Gaul
and attack Octavian again. This fails and the two ally again. Then they purge the senate of the
conspirators and assume control. Octavian marries a woman named livia drusilla, who is more
power hungry than Caesar. Antony and Octavian go to Greece to fight the senators. They defeat
the senators at the battle of Philippi. Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus form the second triumvirate.
And they divide Rome into three, but then Spain gets conquered from Lepidus by Octavian, and
Lepidus retires from public life. Meanwhile the Pompeiians are still raiding the south. A famine
begins, Antony falls in love with cleopatra, and secedes the entire east of the empire, declaring
the Cleo Antonic empire. They try to invade Parthia and fail. The Pompeiians are finally
defeated by Octavian, but Numidia who was supporting them declares war on Rome. Then
Antony essentially gives control of the east to Cleopatra, and the reborn Egyptian empire.
Cleopatra blocks the grain shipments to Rome and declares her son who is also Caesar’s king
of Rome. Then she declares war and invades Greece. Meanwhile, the Germans invade again
and ravage the north, going to Britannia and destroying the Roman client state on the island.
Gaul secedes from the republic becoming its own state, and Parthia invades, capitalizing on all
the BS going on. The Germans sweep through Gaul and go into Spain, where the Iberian tribes
in the north revolt.