Weeping, Emotional Pain & Energies | cracking your Heart Open💕😉

Weeping, Emotional Pain & Energies | cracking your Heart Open💕😉

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TGXWw6RAm0

Duration: 18:46

#heartchakra #pastlife #pastliferegression #dejavu #akashicrecords #energyhealing #phobia #pastlifekarma #traumabonding #traumahealing #healingkarma #twinflame #twinflamesmerge #divinemasculine #ancestralhealing #karma #ascension #alternativehealing #wounds #wellness #anxiety #nightmare #victimmentality #transformation #transmutation

Hi! Weeping, and feeling melancholia, past emotions welling up from a DEEP Place? if so, you would be AMAZED how working with your "Energy" ( Etheric) Body & chakras can quicken your healing and Journey! We will teach you tools to use during Lunar and Retrograde cycles, plus dream interpretation and how to access these deep parts of your self and take away the fear! and, unlike just a regression, you will learn how this PERTAINS TO YOU AS A TWIN FLAME AND LOVER!!

Join Past Lives starting Feb 17th 7:00pm CST ($190) 3 part webinar
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/past-lives-tickets-514476923327✅ (click link to see more)
We help people to break their ancient patterns, ancestral issues, and improve their lives and grow.
Would you like to learn more about Past Lives, how to access them, what you may need to heal from and personal Growth?
We will definitely be working with your ROOT and CROWN Chakras
Topics include:
💖Feeling drawn to a particular time in history and what it means
-Experiencing Time Glitches and Time Jumping
-Birthmarks, other skin marks
-Visceral or phantom sensations
-Deja Vu and repetitive Dream sequences, Fever dreams
-Dreams - themes and types
-How to access dreams and get your Akashic Record connection elevated
-Who people are to you in your current life and who they have been
-Ancient Sacred Sites and Timelines
-Why you keep meeting the same type of person/ love Interest
-Origins and backstories
-Phobias and manner of deaths and how to break these patterns
-Feeling that perhaps you were born into the "wrong family"
-Can I see my Twin Flame and I in a past life ( YES! )
and much more that people are encouraged to ask during Q & A!!

We will teach you how to begin accessing these, without a regression or trance, quite a simple technique I teach prior to your sleep time, where you are safe and protected. We use a high lucid meditation, breathwork and your inherent 5D connection of your Etheric body, and Love!
I have 12 years of experience plus a special love of Dream Interpretation, Love connections, and Past Life stories
💝 We know how to cut through years of possible "mental therapy", in a brand new Webinar. Includes Q & A, Activation of High Heart, Psyche Healing, Outline, and Live Support!
This is not a recording its live and you get to ask me questions!

🔷**BOOKS TO HELP YOU** 📖 INNER HEALING on your Journey
Includes how to Intermittent fast, and why this is happening to Twin Flame people.

*** Sessions for Healing Growth, Wellness & Ascension***

Spirit Subtle Body Session for the Integration of the first connection to the 5D Spirit, higher Mental Emotional and Ego Detachment. Includes 5D Activation and Integrative Energies. Suggestions will be made for your ease in the week following the session. Recommended to plan for at least 3-4 sessions (spaced out 2-3 weeks apart). https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=19515228&appointmentType=14097179✅

Twin Flame Reconnection® Session Just Talk to Someone! do you need to know if you're on the track? are you stuck, feeling blocked, do you just need to talk to someone about your Talk to someone who "gets you" and understands the healing Journey: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=19515228&appointmentType=14098270
*** More Sessions at: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=19515228

My Website: https://twinflamesmerge.com/

Patricia McNeilly
Creator of Twin Flame Reconnection® & Body® Modalities
Master Healer, Teacher & Twin Flame Ascension Expert
Multidimensional Healer for deep healings of the Psyche

Multidimensional activations, 5D love and connections with self-empowerment, discard self-limiting beliefs, and a return to the pure state of being Lovers Together.

This service, videos and website do not provide medical advice.

© 2006 – 2022 Twin Flames Merge, Inc All rights reserved.

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