Where Will Happiness And Delightfulness, By Found?

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYXiJKs2MsA

Duration: 4:37

For Freedom, Messiah Set Us Free, So Stand Firm, And Do Not Be Burdened By A Yoke, Of Slavery Again [Galatians 5]: Now The Lord Is That Spirit, And Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is, There Is Liberty [The State Of Being Free Within Society From Oppressive Restrictions Imposed By Authority On One's Way Of Life, Behavior, And Political Views, 2 Corinthians 3]!

Live As Free [Release From Captivity, Confinement, And Slavery] People, But Do Not Use Your Freedom [The Power Or Right To Act, Speak, Or Think As One Wants], As An Excuse [Justification, Which Will Be Definite As, The Action Of Showing That, Something Will Be Right, Or Reasonable] To Do Evil [Wickedness, Badness, And Sinfulness]: But Live As Servants, Of YA [1 Peter 2]!

Shalom Aleichem Baruch Atah Melchizedek Melech Kodesh Yerushalayim Well Now, It Is Been Written And Explained That, A Follower Of The Light Of The World Need To Run Away From Youthful Desires: Instead, Direct Their Passion To Chasing After Righteousness, Faithfulness, Love, And Peace, Along With Those Who Call Upon The Lord With Pure Hearts!

They Need To Excuse Themselves From Any Conversations That Turn Into Foolish And Uninformed Debates, Because They Know That, Those Conversations Will Only Provoke Fights [2 Timothy 2]!

On The Mount Of Zion There Happiness And Delightfulness [Very Pleasant, Attractive, And Enjoyable] Be Found, Here On Earth Calamities Will Be Recognized, And Still Some Will Take Advantage Of Those Unwelcome Events To Make Money, And Become Wealthy, So They Will Be Yearning From Money, Which Is The Roots Of All Kinds Of Evil, There Are Charities Been Established To Make Money, And Western World Keep Claiming That, They Are Christians, While It Is Said To The Followers Of The Light Of The World: Look After Orphans, Widows, Poor And The Sick People [James, Galatians 2]!

Yeshua Said To Them, People Who Have Their Health Don’t Need To See A Doctor, For Only Those Who Are Dick Do: I’m Not Here To Call Those Already In Good Standing With The LORD ADONAI YA, But I’m Here To Call Sinners To Turn Back [2 Corinthians 5] To Him [Mark 2]!

We Hold That People Are Justified [Declared Or Made Righteous In The Sight, Of YA], That Is, Made Right With YA Through Faith, Which Has Nothing To Do With The Deeds Who Will Remain, In The Law Prescribes [Appointed, Romans 3]!

Shall You Be Saved By Acting And Speaking In Righteousness? And Yet When Shall A Christian Be Born, Again? Because Enter The Womb, Of The Holy Spirit [John 3] Does Not Mean Born, Right? Yet What Does Mean Womb, In Hebrew?

Shall There Be An Agreement Between The Messiah, And Belial [2 Corinthians 6]? Or What, Kind Of Portion [Participation,] Does The Unbelievers Have, With The Unbelievers [Psalm 2]?

Are The Western World: Christian, Nations? And What, Does Mean Christian In Hebrew? For Me Does It Matter For They Have Claim To Be Christians, Right?

They Have Lie And Until Today They Have Not Repented, And Still They Is Been Accepted As, Christians Nation's Prison Preacher: Well Now, Shall That Be A Good Representation For The Rest Of The World, For They Are Observing Them As, The Followers Of Christ, While They Are Followers Of Antichrist!

As A Matter Of This Fact, A Man Should Learn To Rebuke His Own House, And Only Then Would He Can Start Rebuking Another's Houses, Because If That Person Did The Other Way, Then Those Other Houses Would Point Him To The Transgressions His Own House, Didn't Yeshua Have Emmanuel The Messiah The Israelites Tackled First, On Their Transgressions?

Shall There Be An Agreement Between The Messiah, And Belial [2 Corinthians 6]? Or What, Kind Of Portion [Participation] Does The Unbelievers Have, With The Unbelievers [Psalm 2]?

Shalom Aleichem Baruch Atah Melchizedek Melech Kodesh Yerushalayim This Is What Mean That A Follower Of The Light Of The World Needs, To Read And Try To Understand And By Perceiving [Interpret Or Regard The Messiah And His Promises In A Particular Way] What Does Mean, Listen Stay Alert, Stand Tall In The Faith, Be Courageous, And Be Strong: Let Love Prevail [Prove More Powerful Than Opposing Forces, And Be Victorious] In Your Life, Words, And Actions [1 Corinthians 16]!

Knowing That, The True Faith, Hope, And Love Remain, These Three Virtues [Become Familiar With The Moral Principles From The Branch, Of Knowledge Dealing With These] Must Characterize [Classify] One's Way Of Life, And Know The Greatest, Of These Is Love [1 Corinthians 13]: Knowing That Love Comes Straight From YA, And Everyone Who Loves Is Born [Having, A Specific Citizenship "Which, Will Be Definite As, The Position Or Status Of Being A Citizen Of A Particular Country, Matthew 6"] Of YA, And Truly Knows YA [Have Developed A Relationship With YA Through Meeting And Spending Time With Him, And Become Familiar, And Friendly With YA, 1 John 4, Isaiah 65, And Matthew 11]!