Wisdom Wednesday with Tasia Valenza!

Wisdom Wednesday with Tasia Valenza!

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qFQ6bU2fV4

Duration: 1:35


👩‍🏫I teach people from all over the world to Give Great Voice, the art of confident, compassionate, communication.  
But as I shared in my TEDx talk, “we teach what we need to learn.”

For me, the most fulfilling roles and hardest to play well on a regular basis is “wife and mother.” 💜

The most challenging relationships to remember to Give great voice is often with the people we love the most. 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦Our family, our spouses, our children; We are more triggered, vulnerable and reactive. Can you relate? 🤔

So often it’s not “the words we say… but how we say them that make all the difference.”
I shared many tips in my TEDx talk on how to maximize both our personal relationships and professional ones by remembering the four Give Great questions.❓

1) Who am I in scene of my life?
2)Who am I speaking to (the relationship)?
3)What do I want ( meaning what’s the ideal out come of this situation) 
3) How does my voice and tone support that ideal intention?

If you ask those questions every time you’re about to have a “moment,” take a conscious breath then speak with a warm and kind tone. ☺️You will probably find that their reaction is much more positive and you’ll still get the socks picked up..eventually.. LOL! 😂

Do you agree and how do you Give Great Voice in your personal relationships? ⬇️

If you’d like to watch the whole TEDx, you can find it here and please share it with a friend📤


And if I can help you Give great voice and both your professional and personal roles dm me!