About ZandraVandra
I make games and art, I stream a lot, and I write wholesome queer light novels about figuring yourself out! You can support me at ❤ http://patreon.zandravandra.com ❤
I do all of this for a living, and I can't do it without you!
Wanna help? You can:
• Check out my videos right here! (please subscribe if you can!)
• Read my books at http://books.zandravandra.com
• Drop by when I'm streaming at https://twitch.tv/zandravandra
...and if you want to get some behind the scenes updates on what I'm up to, then please consider supporting me on Patreon at http://patreon.zandravandra.com
You'll be able to join my discord community, get early access on a lot of stuff, and read my books and stories before anyone else!
I'm always working on a lot of fun projects and I'd love to share them with you.
Thanks for watching, please take care of yourself ('cause you deserve it) and let's keep making wonderful things together. ❤
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Variety of Games on Channel
There are 123 games covered by ZandraVandra, consisting of 975 videos, or 93.03% of the total videos on this channel.