


Mugluvin is a YouTube content creator with 16 subscribers, publishing 61 videos which altogether total around 6.73 thousand views.

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All Videos by Mugluvin

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2024-09-07EU4 achievement short, will make full video tomorrow evening.0:00265Europa Universalis IV
2024-09-07Croatian Empire EU40:00531Europa Universalis
2024-08-16EU4 Kirishitan Japan achievement0:00539Europa Universalis
2024-07-23Princess Peach :Showtime! Part 125:3510
2024-06-12It’s a deer bro0:32294
2024-06-11Fugger Banking Augsburg EU40:59423Europa Universalis
2024-06-06Inca achievement EU40:57272
2024-06-04How half the people I talk to respond to me nowadays after asking them literally anything0:029
2024-06-02Hormuz into Arabia game0:5889
2024-05-23Nasty leg cramp0:31101
2024-05-22German Faux Pas Classic Murray Moment0:55244
2024-05-22Wedding experience4:131
2024-05-22New Job2:271
2024-05-21Ragusa into Dalmatia game early0:5860
2024-05-21Theodoro game unraveled1:003
2024-05-04Met big mad Andy (Liam Noble) Peep Show0:03464Show
2024-05-01EU4 Bohemians achievement0:56432Europa Universalis
2024-04-29Bohemia game gone well0:38406
2024-04-27Hand chewer0:5674
2024-04-24Late afternoon walk0:1311
2024-04-23A perspective on social anxiety9:3410
2024-04-23Getting out of a rut0:4951
2024-04-23Second Short on Anxiety1:0011
2024-04-23Short on Anxiety1:0025
2024-04-21He’s got ball0:15427
2024-04-21Worst alcohol0:51101
2024-04-21Reminiscing about family barbecue2:462
2024-04-21Muggy stream German Wolf of Wall Street Viewing 326:342
2024-04-21Muggy stream German Wolf of Wall Street Viewing 236:594
2024-04-21Plans for the coming week and months a head4:2415
2024-04-21Muggy stream German Wolf of Wall Street Viewing 129:552
2024-04-17Netflix Recommendation0:47116
2024-04-17Fire Emblem Sealed Sword Iron Man 442:402
2024-04-11After Treadmill Short0:182
2024-04-11Treadmill short0:4681
2024-04-11Day plans0:1311
2024-04-11New Twitch stream0:1530
2024-04-05Preparing for German friend’s wedding0:58639
2024-03-31Cringiest peep show segment0:467
2024-03-31Will make a new series based on Princess Peach Showtime0:155
2024-03-31Thoughts on Mario Bros Movie.0:1410
2024-03-31How does an honourable person make money.0:0920
2024-03-31How do honourable people make money?0:0854
2024-03-12Fire Emblem Sealed Sword Iron Man Stream 139:391Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
2024-03-12Fire Emblem Sealed Sword Iron Man Stream 21:36:501Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
2024-03-12Fire Emblem Sealed Sword Iron Man Stream 349:321Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
2023-04-21It be real0:5320
2021-09-29Fire Emblem Path of Radiance story overview unscripted13:59111
2021-09-10Mario Sunshine Hatchet Job27:095
2021-08-04Falco dosen't play: Smash Ultimate20:134Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2021-05-01EU4 rant, another possible Leviathan problem2:17116
2021-01-09Super Hans too clean for Mark and Jez4:02102
2021-01-09Super Hans too clean for Mark and Jez4:255
2021-01-08Super Mario Sunshine playthrough part 517:388
2021-01-07Super Mario Sunshine playthrough part 419:406
2021-01-04Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Kirby Online and CPU smash14:1011Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2021-01-02Super Mario Sunshine playthrough part 325:328Super Mario Sunshine
2021-01-01Super Mario Sunshine playthrough part 214:225
2020-12-31Introductory video1:0211
2020-12-31Super Mario Sunshine playthrough part 123:5110