Dragon Ball FighterZ YouTube Views and Videos

Dragon Ball FighterZ

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DRAGON BALL FighterZ - Steam Store PageDragon Ball FighterZ - Nintendo Wiki Fandom Page

Annual Statistics

YearVideos% of TotalDuration

7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 18167-89.22%
Views: 5,710394,135-98.55%
Videos: 24375-93.60%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 527631-16.48%
Views: 2,119,0193,039,425-30.28%
Videos: 1,4932,548-41.41%
Duration: 20:592:51636.26%

Channels With The Most Views

1. DotoDoya271,081,383
2.United States Prince Vegeta118,180,168
3.Spain Jin Kisaragi106,337,537
4.Ireland Lythero102,536,778
5.Greece ArGin77,129,507
6.United States Rhymestyle64,829,780
7.United Kingdom Out Of Context Lythero61,798,115
8.Canada Shoyoumomo58,507,249
9.United States Maximilian Dood56,908,095
10.United States SeeReax51,881,959

Channels With The Most Videos

1.United States Kusa3k6,336
2.United States Bum1six35,970
3.Spain Jin Kisaragi3,257
4. ds43,163
5. Yojimbo 2,249
6.France Nicolas Brun2,170
7. Shiro_Okami52,081
9.Brazil LordCombo1,896
10. 格ゲーが如く1,837

Latest Let's Plays For Dragon Ball FighterZ

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-08-02 YunikohhDragonBall FighterZ Girlpower7:5624
2024-07-13United States CORCEL GAMESPLAYSTATION 4 ♡ DRAGON BALL FighterZ25:1410
2024-07-12 I’m CrippledDRAGON BALL FighterZ, Gyulp...3:3163
2024-07-10United States Kyle the pro 360 northrupLets play DRAGON BALL fighting z4:260
2024-07-08United States AvatarTaeNoob Plays Fighterz37:141
2024-07-03Italy SPARTACUS GAMINGDRAGON BALL FIGHTER Z #playstation #gameplay #dragonball9:57150
2024-06-30United Kingdom OBAssassinHelp Me To Get Bandai To Watch This Video About Trunks Errors For The Next Patch!15:001,865
2024-06-30 Mr. NoViewsHyper Dragon Ball Z Vision Stream - Cuz Unemployment, So Let's Play A Meme-filled Game1:51:5315
2024-06-28 ninjamonkey508Let's Play Dragonball FighterZ Prt. 22: Nothing Personnel, Kid (PS4)45:1913
2024-06-28United States Kusa3kDBFZ Suiruuydan vs JadenLP (VegetaSSB, GogetaSS4,tien) vs (Kefla, Cooler, A18)10:49125
2024-06-11United States BlackAngelRodesuRodrigoDioDAires's Live SpiritGodRod5 Naruto Storm 2 Esports Arc playthrough50:440
2024-06-09Pakistan Dude PlaysDude Plays is live!0:000
2024-05-25Spain Jin KisaragiAcaba CONMIGO desde un GOLPE FLOJO y... ¿Le TIRO DEL CABLE!? DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ11:308,747
2024-05-19 SinxstacosUltimate Battle Goes with Everything | Goku VS Broly | Dragon Ball FighterZ | DUB0:303
2024-05-15United States AG2K30Somebody help Krillin…….. #shorts #dbzmods #dragonball0:413,135
2024-05-13United States Legacy of ReiWelp I bought FighterZ...(And lost the Mic!!🙄)47:0215
2024-04-28 AfrossNew Combo With Vegata Kun 🥰 | Dragon Ball Fighterz | PlayStation 5 #goku0:4214
2024-04-21 granitpowerRANKED ON THE SWITCH IS UNPLAYABLE | 🔴 [live]1:14:15106
2024-04-20 Combos Are Fun by RunninhelpaBROly! 1.5 bars ish SD Starter TOD with S-Broly, SSJ Vegeta A and Baseku A!0:40259
2024-04-17United Kingdom XusesDBFZR ▰ This Is Why You Should Be Playing Perfect Cell【Dragon Ball FighterZ】15:146,713
2024-04-11Germany BEARWALKEN87Let's Play Dragonball Fighter Z PS4 Pro18:485
2024-04-10Venezuela HT GusellDragon Ball FighterZ - High level players online replays 49:01262
2024-04-08Greece ArGinHELP18:4913,351
2024-04-08Peru Duel EvolutionDeck Tenpai Dragon| EDOPRO | Replays 🎮 + Decklist ✔️11:4014,811
2024-04-05 Mas juegos y masAUDIFONOS PSP 1000 FAT #retros #playstation #psp #games #perifericos1:00934

Latest Reviews For Dragon Ball FighterZ

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-05-29Brazil Cloth Myth RevolutionKID GOKU DRAGON BALL GT SHFiguarts Bandai - REVIEW REVOLUTION4:4659
2024-05-21Spain Wumpa GamesDRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ es RECOMENDABLE? #review #analisis #dragonball0:534
2024-04-28 The Art of Action FiguresEp33 - SH Figuarts Gohan - DBZ Cell Saga 3.0 - Fighter Who Surpassed Goku Review - Hip Precautions44:212,600
2024-04-25Bangladesh Graduate OtakuDragon Ball Super Chapter 103 Review In Bangla || Gohan Beast vs UI Goku and Broly6:191,002
2024-04-17Brazil GuiMFGoku Legendary SSJ - SH Figuarts - Review e Unboxing9:4849
2024-04-16United States Odd HourDragon Ball Fighter Z for Xbox! #gaming #review0:59521
2024-04-09 Abs Goku black soda review #gokublack #goku #dragonball0:0888
2024-03-17 ThePowerUpDragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 103 Full Review! Gohan Vs Broly Vs Vegeta Vs Goku Vs Saiymen!7:57714
2024-03-16France BuuFighterZ#DBS103 REVIEW DE L ÉMOTION, COMBAT DE REVE , BROLY SE RETIENT, LE GRAND KIFFE !! #dbsspoilers23:091,293
2024-03-02United States MatchesPeachesIs This Worth The Hype? | Ultra Instinct Son Goku - Toyotaro Edition | S.H.Figuarts | Review11:161,978
2024-03-02Brazil DiegoHDM ReviewsMETAL COOLER SH Figuarts Bandai Dragon Ball Z Unboxing e Review BR15:5349,015
2024-02-29Mexico Maverick Stop MotionGOKU BLACK SSJ3 FULL POWER | UNBOXING RAPIDO #shorts #gokublack #kongstudios #dragonsuba #review1:003,466
2024-02-20United States Beanboi YamiFather vs Son! | Dragon Ball Super Chapter 102 Review5:13484
2024-02-17United States Charley ReaPlayDragon Ball FighterZ-ReaPlay Review(ps5)15:5847
2024-01-31United States Mister Acolytethis was absolute CHAOS | DBFZ Match Review20:402,629
2024-01-16 Titan Del86Unboxing/Review Dragon Ball Super S.H.Figuarts: SSGSS Goku (KAIO-KEN)15:46137
2024-01-03Brazil Renan Velho🔴 O MELHOR JOGO DE LUTA DO DRAGON BALL | REVIEW + DICAS (PC) 🎮11:5359
2023-12-23United States Gamers LoverSmall Goku fight broly #shortvideo #short #dragonballz #music #song #ps50:2098
2023-12-16United States Nostalgia UnboxedThe Surprising accuracy of Android 21 | Figure Review10:4635,621
2023-12-03United States Student49th Yesterday Match Review Now... 2 Tournaments Later | Welcome to the Academy !songrequest1:47:4415
2023-11-30 ZombieGamerCatWhy DragonBall FighterZ is my fav fighting game *REVIEW* (9.5/10)6:3584
2023-11-30 CD MangakaDBFZ Rollback Beta DAY 1 REVIEW! IS IT GOOD???19:44191
2023-11-30 MUNDO DE COLECCIONFigura De La Androide 21 / Review / Dragon Ball Fighter Z5:10178
2023-11-23United States Louis BernalDragon Ball Dragon Stars Krillin Bandai Namco Action Figure Review3:4912
2023-11-21United States BugzeyLive Action Anime is Kinda Good?36:2643

Most Viewed Dragon Ball FighterZ Video on YouTube

The most viewed Dragon Ball FighterZ video on YouTube is DRAGON BALL - LE SON DES ENFERS ! (Music Video) with 34,483,096 views, published by France Kevin Tran 陈科伟 on June 24, 2018.

Most Liked Dragon Ball FighterZ Video on YouTube

The most liked Dragon Ball FighterZ video on YouTube is DRAGON BALL - LE SON DES ENFERS ! (Music Video) with 773,223 likes, published by France Kevin Tran 陈科伟 on June 24, 2018.