Kerbal Space Program YouTube Views and Videos

Kerbal Space Program

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Kerbal Space Program - Steam Store Page

Annual Statistics

YearVideos% of TotalDuration

7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 045-100.00%
Views: 047,429-100.00%
Videos: 083-100.00%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 119154-22.73%
Views: 741,0801,213,413-38.93%
Videos: 318426-25.35%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

Channels With The Most Views

1.United States Scott Manley164,291,728
2.Ireland jacksepticeye137,451,674
3.United Kingdom Matt Lowne136,162,127
4.Germany SWDennis60,885,397
5.Sweden Robbaz41,654,438
6. Danny246240,595,865
7.Argentina Glitch33,611,819
8.United States Kerbal Space Program25,793,431
9.United States Stratzenblitz7525,194,861
10. maccollo24,396,713

Channels With The Most Videos

1.United States Raiz Space2,368
2.Canada Mike Aben1,183
3.Germany LagunaXP1,164
4.United States Atraitus940
5.United States Scott Manley876
6.United States Cosmonaut Crash848
7.Austria WWEdeadman811
8.United States Billy Winn Jr730
9. Kottabos Games727
10.United States VAOS698

Latest Let's Plays For Kerbal Space Program

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-09-15United Kingdom Rival Zone GamingRival Plays - Kerbal Space Program - Mun Mission...Again0:0043
2024-07-22United States KSPortalcraftIdiot Tries To Fly To The Mun In Kerbal Space Program6:03257
2024-07-16United States LifeloreErebus Alpha's Chimera (Workshop Spotlight)?6:2473
2024-07-15Hungary JátékMűhely VOD[HUN/ENG] | Kerbal Space Program (HardCore/Carrier) REBOOT #3 | PC2:13:3151
2024-07-06Spain SEGAjinPasaje de Okumiyama - Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess (PlayStation 5)24:494
2024-07-01Austria TwitchyEternalStormsLet's Play Kerbal Space Program (2021, PS 5) - Ep 274 - Mün Satellite (2)20:0711
2024-06-28United States Chito GamingNEW HERO SHOOTER GOT POTENTIAL!! | FragPunk- First Look PC Alpha Playtest Gameplay33:3231
2024-06-16 MT EkleelKerbal Space Program | KSRSS Reborn Career Mode Playthrough | Part 318:437
2024-05-30France El RuobuobLa surface de Jool | KSP 2 EA.2 E41 #kerbalspaceprogram2 #letsplayfr #gameplayfr31:3123
2024-05-17Sweden GrunfWorksKerbals in a pickle ? - Send Help !!! - KSP1 - Let's Play Modded - ep 4916:01409
2024-04-29United States Tito.📺Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition with extras LIVE on Tito.📺 presents the game that NASA plays28:4026
2024-04-23 Ocean Swift / Faxi NaduKontakt Builder KSP Scripting Course Tutorials - Lesson 9 (Help tags)3:4254
2024-03-30Canada Mike AbenFINALLY! 5000 km Downrange Milestone | Mike Plays RP-1 #17 | KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM30:191,757
2024-03-15Germany André Lampe[57] Moho-Sonde, Eve-Station & Eve Rückkehr - fast alles geschafft! | LP KSP mit Mods: P&B26:4519
2024-02-15 KadenGamingWatch the launch of Nova C for NASA's CLPS2:03:4525
2024-02-12United Kingdom psychedelic gaming hobos A PERFECT Rocket #gaming #letsplay #kerbalspaceprogram #comedy0:5496
2024-02-01United States Legion of One POV3 EP. 4 |||Flying with a Joystick in KSP! || #kerbalspaceprogram career playthrough23:511,024
2024-01-18United States Cole The GamerLet's Play: Toontown School House 5,000 HP Crane Round Solo // Episode 40 [14:29.40]14:4725
2023-12-31Germany IridasAuf zur nächsten Rettungsmission #shorts #kerbalspaceprogram #weltraum #spacetravel #letsplay0:27142
2023-12-30United States iCanSeymourLet's Land on the Mun! | Let's Play KSP1:51:0010
2023-12-20United States Kerbal Space ProgramULA Helps KSP Create the Vulcan Rocket10:5146,622
2023-12-09Canada erobb221 unmuted VODs (with Chat)[6/6] 2023-12-09 'SATURDAY!!! HELP'2:22:411,509
2023-12-03United States Kittle Got GameLet's Play KSP Career Mode Part 7: Further Probing the System - Kerbal Space Program4:43:50143
2023-11-30Australia Jdebrusk987Orbital Difficulties | Kerbal Space Program - LP | Ep.919:17161
2023-11-28Canada Jay BirdBlu_117Jay Plays Flash Games | Episode 89 & 90 | Indestructotank 2 & 3💥35:0822

Latest Reviews For Kerbal Space Program

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-06-10Australia ? the Vtuber Ch1000th Video Celebration. Chatting. Channel Reviews. KSP. JoyStick Handcam.1:21:5543
2023-09-06United States Billy Winn JrThe 0.1.4 Patch Review that Devolves into a KSP 2 Dev Chat Semi Rant | KSP 212:57301
2023-08-26United States SuperBeastGNFunny Steam Reviews - Kerbal Space Program Part 20:382,279
2023-07-23 Obscure Games and ConsolesAbduction Action Plus Steam Review6:542
2023-07-23United Kingdom D&DGamingKerbal Space Program - Review17:35110
2023-07-20Canada PicoSpace IndustriesIt’s Habitable Gilly, but there is a catch! | KSP MOD Review6:43707
2023-06-26United Kingdom Sim UK ReviewsRunway 09 | Construction Simulator Airfield DLC Speedbuild Build PART 12:14:09528
2023-06-20 Highway 1776Kerbal Space Program Review #kerbalspaceprogram #funny #review0:1632
2023-06-16Latvia TheYamiksTHE BEST science game - Kerbal Space Program "Review"19:277,327
2023-06-11 WhiteRaider12Ksp: A-12 Review!!1:4426
2023-05-29Canada ApollozySFS Mod Review: Prime Aerospace Falcons (PAF) Part 212:33565
2023-03-25 Super RadishKerbal Craft Review Ep 2: 737 P8 Poseidon by Duncan~ || #kerbalspaceprogram1:0823
2023-03-21United States jaykrownJuno: New Origins #2 | Gameplay first impressions review from a KSP player in career mode3:36:21101
2023-03-05United States Burten PlaysKSP 2 EA Release Review, Disappointing Just Wait...9:3459
2023-03-01United Kingdom pixelriegelIs 🚀Kerbal Space Progamm 2 unplayable at the monent?1:2916
2023-02-16Canada Canadian EhpeIs Kerbal Space Program Better On The Deck? - Better On The Deck(Steam Deck Games Review)3:46755
2023-01-21United States CoolmanGaming09Planetary Base Systems KSP Mod Review!27:23163
2023-01-09 B-29A-BN fan-712Playing ksp with lots OF BUGS! And face review2:464
2023-01-06 PatrickFree Game Weekly Review - Kerbal Space Program & Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice0:5955
2023-01-06Colombia WaceMinduKerbal Space Program | Simulador de Space X | Reseña | Gameplay | Análisis | Review | Español4:532,577
2023-01-05United States Semi2TechEpic Games Free Game This Week 01/05/23 - Kerbal Space Program & Shadow Tactics6:5720
2023-01-05Spain El Holandes ErranteKerbal Space Program - 🎮 Review- Análisis y juego GRATIS 🎁 en Epic Games!!!!!27:40450
2022-12-30United States A PupperKerbal Space Program Half Review14:5018
2022-09-26United States The Orbiting BrickFMRS - KSP Mod Review6:1189
2022-08-30Russian Federation MR FIREKSP Tricks SU-57 review1:49184

Most Viewed Kerbal Space Program Video on YouTube

The most viewed Kerbal Space Program video on YouTube is KSP Mars Ultra Direct: Ludicrous single launch to Mars in Real Solar System with 16,979,301 views, published by maccollo on March 19, 2014.

Most Liked Kerbal Space Program Video on YouTube

The most liked Kerbal Space Program video on YouTube is ВСЕМ ПОКА, Я ЛЕЧУ НА МАРС with 407,611 likes, published by United States EeOneGuy on October 19, 2015.