Burn to Return - ReBirth - SYKOE - MindState Records

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO5TyTEH_H0

Duration: 3:15

The whole entire universe needs a reset and not by the controllers of faith or country.
The exact people who created all that people believe in today... is the problem.
Believe... is fiction. Hope is not a plan.. it's a wish.
We need a plan.
Goal post set.... and let's set forth how we truly get to a world of peace and understanding.
When we understand we are all lying to ourselves pretending we are good people following the assholes who set forth the bad for us to follow.
Or Don't.
I am not you.
I never will be.
I don't want to be like him, her or it.
This is ME. Not YOU.
I am not YOU.
I will not follow YOU or who YOU FOLLOW.
I am ME.

How does a Peasant or Follower become a KING or RULER?
They have to want it or the people want them there.
How does one become a GOD themself?
They are made, accepted and created members to a UNION.
Are you a subscriber or an actual member of that UNION?
Ask yourself that very question and you can solve yourself a life of headaches wondering why life is the way it is.
You are either a GOOD person with blatant words and writing and definition of your GOOD as your INTENT of self being and existence.
OR... when you think to ask yourself that question.. am I a good person or a bad person? What is not one caught of and punished for with a record... but it's about what's on the inside only you know... are you a cheater? Manipulator? Dictator? Asshole?
It's your choice... but if you believe you are not one, when facts and realities of people telling you .. you are and you ignore it... you are BAD.
Just because some people have no record of wrong on paper and court don't mean they never done wrong.
They just never got caught and held power on those who knew and could tell of the wrong doing by the wrong doers.
Oppression and rules, control is a bitch by the dogs who boss and enforce it.
It we associate with the wicked... we are wicked.
We befriend those who are wicked with wicked intent... or excuse to better life in wicked ways to get to a better life.. it's still... wicked intent.
Choices we make.
Some can talk shit and say I'm a bad person.. nobody can say I took anything from them.
I've always been everyone's fall guy and with that strict respect .. no tattle tale. If the asshole is going to lie and take the credit or not take the credit... so be it. I know they are a piece of shit... the rest don't.. oh well. So long that asshole I never let take advantage again and keep my distance or anyone who associated and will in the future associate with that asshole.. they can fuck off too. PEACE OUT.
My union is discrete in it's circuit of complete and closed.
Can't short my shit. Fuck off.

My songs are written and performed for all those around in mortal state wanting to fuck up all the asshole who tell us what to do, how to do it.. what is certified and what is the winner. Fuck all of that.
UNITY bitch!
Celebrate true diversity and stop bullshitting yourself.
Be accepting and understanding.
For those of us who recognize the wrong with everything around us.. you know.
These songs are for us and only us. Many pretend to care.. many fall and fell to the wayside ending up exactly how I figured they would. All the money in the world can't sugar coat the asshole living a lie.
And not a dollar can be taken or given to me to change me.
I've had Ks and I've had nothing. I'm still the same as I was in both conditions and states.
I've been in prison, I've been in Bloomfield.
I've been around the block and through all my experiences I see oppressive leaders (really bosses) and enforcing followers to those bosses (leaders) on top of which ever division and region of all subjects and topics. All of them.
You could be a nerd all about train sets and there is the asshole at the top of the whole fucking network just fucking that guy over at the bottom.
Everything has a cheater.
I'm not one of them. I've chosen the hard route independent and I will remain here because I can say.... I did it. I don't owe nobody anything.
I did it all.. for YOU.