中国十大传世名画之一北宋风俗画清明上河图 醉人難忘的流行萨克斯音乐 [China's Mona Lisa With Saxophone]

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Duration: 1:04:58

Riverside Scene on Qingming Festival & Saxophone Music :--
Along the River During the Qingming Festival, also known by its Chinese name as the Qingming Shanghe Tu ( 清明上河圖), is a painting by the Song dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan (1085–1145). It captures the daily life of people and the landscape of the capital, Bianjing (present-day Kaifeng) during the Northern Song. The theme is often said to celebrate the festive spirit and worldly commotion at the Qingming Festival, rather than the holiday's ceremonial aspects, such as tomb sweeping and prayers. Successive scenes reveal the lifestyle of all levels of the society from rich to poor as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city, and offer glimpses of period clothing and architecture, it has been called "China's Mona Lisa". Over the centuries, the Qingming scroll was collected and kept among numerous private owners, before it eventually returned to public ownership. The painting was a particular favorite of Puyi, the Last Emperor, who took the Song dynasty original with him when he left Beijing. It was re-purchased in 1945 and kept at the Palace Museum in the Forbidden City. The Song dynasty original and the Qing versions, in the Beijing and Taipei Palace Museums respectively, are regarded as national treasures and are exhibited only for brief periods every few years.
The original painting is celebrated as the most famed work of art from the Song dynasty, an early copy, generally considered to be very faithful to the original, was made by Zhao Mengfu during the Yuan dynasty.A notable remake was painted during the Ming dynasty (14th to 17th centuries) by Qiu Ying. This version has a length of 6.7 meters, longer than the original. It also replaced the scenery from the Song dynasty to that of the Ming dynasty based on contemporary fashions and customs, updating the costumes worn by the characters and the styles of vehicles (boats and carts). The Song wooden bridge is replaced with a stone bridge in the Ming remake. The arc of the stone bridge is much taller than that of the wooden original, and where the original had a boat about to crash into the bridge, the reinterpretation has a boat being methodically guided under the bridge by ropes, pulled by men ashore, several other large boats dutifully waiting their turn, undisturbed. A 12 meter long copy from the late Ming period is kept in the collection of the Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna in Austria.
清明上河图 & 流行萨克斯音乐:--
清明上河图宽24.8厘米, 长528.7厘米, 绢本设色. 作品以长卷形式,采用散点透视构图法, 生动记录了中国十二世纪北宋都城东京 (又称汴京,今河南开封) 的城市面貌和当时社会各阶层人民的生活状况,是北宋时期都城汴京当年繁荣的见证,也是北宋城市经济情况的写照, 这在中国乃至世界绘画史上都是独一无二的.
在五米多长的画卷里,共绘了数量庞大的各色人物, 牛, 骡, 驴等牲畜, 车, 轿, 大小船只, 房屋, 桥梁, 城楼等各有特色, 体现了宋代建筑的特征, 具有很高的历史价值和艺术价值. 内容丰富, 描绘东西繁多.
清明上河图在表现手法上,以不断移动视点的办法, 即“散点透视法”来摄取所需的景象, 大到广阔的原野, 浩瀚的河流, 高耸的城郭, 细到舟车上的钉铆, 摊贩上的小商品, 市招上的文字, 和谐的组织成统一整体, 在画中有仕, 农, 商, 医, 卜, 僧, 道, 胥吏, 妇女, 儿童, 篙师, 缆夫等人物及驴, 牛, 骆驼等牲畜. 有赶集, 买卖, 闲逛, 饮酒, 聚谈, 推舟, 拉车, 乘轿, 骑马等情节. 画中大街小巷, 店铺林立, 酒店, 茶馆, 点心铺等百肆杂陈, 还有城楼, 河港, 桥梁, 货船, 官府宅第和茅棚村舍密集.
结构严谨, 繁而不乱, 长而不冗, 段落分明. 可贵的是, 如此丰富多彩的内容, 主体突出, 首尾呼应, 全卷浑然一体. 画中每个人物, 景象, 细节, 都安排得合情合理, 疏密, 繁简, 动静, 聚散等画面关系, 处理得恰到好处, 达到繁而不杂, 多而不乱. 充分表现了画家对社会生活的深刻洞察力和高度的画面组织和控制能力.善于选择那些既具有形象性和富于诗情画意, 又具本质特征的事物, 场面及情节加以表现. 十分细致入微的生活观察, 刻划每一位人物, 道具. 每个人各有身份, 各有神态, 各有情节. 房屋, 桥梁等建筑结构严谨, 描绘一笔不苟. 车马船只面面俱到,谨小而不失全貌, 不失其势. 比如船只上的物件, 钉铆方式, 甚至结绳系扣都交待得一清二楚, 令人叹为观止.
宋张择端 [清明上河图], 是一幅举世闻名的现实主义风俗画卷. 千余年来, 此画声名显赫, 广受青睐, 仿摹者众多.各地公私藏家手中还有许多摹本和伪造本, 有人统计, 现存清明上河图有30多本, 其中大陆藏10余本, 台湾藏9本, 美国藏5本, 法国藏4本,英国和日本各藏一本, 光是台北故宫博物院就藏有7本.
作者张择端, 现藏于故宫博物院, 所以被称为《清明上河图》故宫藏本, 是中国绘画史上最著名的作品之一, 不但艺术水平高超, 而且围绕着它还流传下来许多有趣的故事, 但真本毕竟只有一幅. 经过众多学者, 专家对这一专题的研究, 大家意见基本一致, 都认为现藏北京故宫博物院的这幅是北宋张择端的原作. 其它的同名画作, 均为后来的摹本或伪托张择端的臆造本.

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