Finding Your Way Home: Insights of the Story of Jacob and the 7x70 years of Tribulation

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Duration: 24:40

The stoy of Jacob explains how we need to invest in the spirit over the flesh, in order to regain what was lost, which was our connection to God, Self and each other. Jacob labored for 12 years (7+7 years, Jesus, "7x70", & 3 1/2 years - All describing division and reunion) you labor in the flesh, then you will get the carnal reward. It doesnt fulfil what our spirit wants, but if we labor in the spirit, spirit takes care of all our needs, to where we can give out of the abundance of the heart, with good, true & pure intention. 7 years represents the time of one cycle completion. There are many cycles within cycles of time. As we pass each cycle, we are a step closer to graduation. We will do greater works, as we bring healing to our past cycles so we are able to ascend up and begin working on the higher ones. It starts with a mustard seed, and we grow our soul from there, into the greater and greater cycles, as we heal from the karma of each one. (With God a day is as 1000 years and 1000 years as a day) When we are giving from a place of abundance, we are raising the energy/prayers up higher to heaven, where God/Source will respond favorably. Not giving because we have too, but because we like too help where we can, as a help mate. As brothers united, not just a Man, but a 'Traveling Man'.

The bible also teaches us to let of all thought of guilt and shame (Parable of Rich Young Ruler) The rich young ruler is you, looking at your sin in guilt and shame, look away from sin, onto him, and let go of what holds you back. All is forgiven, you are healed, take up your bed and walk, Now go and sin no more, and you will carry the testimony of mercy and truth. To not attach any judgements to any thought and allow them to come and go freely, like the spirit. Look on God and the spirit will draw you to him. If we look back to our past, we will turn to a salt lick. He said take no thought, rather trust in spirit to bring to your remembrance (the spirit brings up the thought forms while the mind filters through them. If you dont know what you want, then how can you properly seek? A double minded man is unstable and will always remember his past sins and it will be a block to following spirit into greater things. If what we want, is worth more than our life, then we sacrifice our life if we must. And if what we want more than anything is truth, then we give it all for him (The highest you, the Most high, crowns us, as we bow in service to Others/Self/Him 888 'The CHRIST').

When someone comes across our path and offers a hand of support, be open to receieve it and reinvest into the spirit with good works toward cultivating that good seed, for a good return on investment & plentiful yield. Follow after what is good and the God of Peace will be with you All.

Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Rev 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

So instead of striving in the mental plane to recall specific thoughts using force of will, you should instead rely on the emotional plane that brings up the thought forms to the mental plane (casting net to right side). Meaning instead of struggling to try and control your thoughts using mental energy, use your emotions to support the mind and your mind to support the emotions. One should rule over another to try to force control, but through mutual support of a true help mate, with love. You can lose trust for someone but love will always be greater than anything. There abides, faith, hope and Love, and Love is the greatest, you cant have anything without Love. If you lack the others, Love will suffer, but it will continue to stand, over the other (Joseph dream of him towering over his bothers stalks).

You can shift your emotional state and better thoughts will come in, ones that are associated with that uplifted state (Isaiah 61:3 “To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.”). Jesus is saying to trust your heart, as long as you put good in, you will get good out. Listen to your intuition, you can trust that still small voice. You can trust that the Joy of the Lord, will be what aligns you to the fullfillment of it. Feel it before you see it, trust and know its already done, and according to your Faith, may it be so. Bring awareness back to center, take up your bed and walk, one step forward, at a time. (Walk on Water, above the cares and concerns of this life, by Faith in Spirit, where your awareness rests, in the air it can breathe)

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