Fix 0x80072eff WSL error on Windows

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Duration: 1:27

Here's how to Fix 0x80072eff WSL error on Windows.
i. here are some steps you can take to fix the 0x80072eff WSL error on Windows:

Check for updates. Make sure that your Windows operating system is up to date. You can do this by going to Settings - Update & Security - Windows Update and clicking Check for updates.
Enable WSL. If WSL is not enabled, you will need to enable it before you can use it. To do this, open a command prompt and type the following command:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

Reinstall WSL. If you have already enabled WSL and you are still getting the error, you can try reinstalling WSL. To do this, open a command prompt and type the following command:

wsl --install

Reset WSL. If you have already reinstalled WSL and you are still getting the error, you can try resetting WSL. To do this, open a command prompt and type the following command:

wsl --reset

Check your firewall settings. If you have a firewall enabled, you may need to make sure that it is not blocking WSL. To do this, open your firewall settings and make sure that WSL is allowed to communicate through the firewall.
Contact Microsoft support. If you have tried all of the above steps and you are still getting the error, you can contact Microsoft support for assistance.

ii. Here are some known errors when running WSL on Windows:

Error code 0x80072eff: This error can occur if WSL is not enabled or if there is a problem with the WSL installation. To fix this error, you can try enabling WSL or reinstalling WSL.
Error code 0x800704C7: This error can occur if you are trying to create a new WSL distribution and there is not enough space on your hard drive. To fix this error, you can try freeing up some space on your hard drive or creating the WSL distribution on a different drive.
Error code 0x80070005: This error can occur if you are trying to install a Linux distribution and there is a problem with the installation file. To fix this error, you can try downloading the installation file again or trying a different installation file.
Error code 0x80070422: This error can occur if you are trying to start a WSL distribution and there is a problem with the distribution. To fix this error, you can try restarting the WSL distribution or reinstalling the WSL distribution.
Error code 0x80070424: This error can occur if you are trying to connect to a WSL distribution and there is a problem with the network. To fix this error, you can try restarting your computer or checking your network connection.
Error code 0x8007000B: This error can occur if you are trying to access a file or directory that does not exist. To fix this error, you can try checking the spelling of the file or directory name.
Error code 0x80070021: This error can occur if you do not have permission to access a file or directory. To fix this error, you can try changing the permissions on the file or directory.
Error code 0x800704C8: This error can occur if you are trying to create a new WSL distribution and the name of the distribution already exists. To fix this error, you can try choosing a different name for the distribution.
Error code 0x800704D3: This error can occur if you are trying to install a Linux distribution and the distribution is not compatible with your version of Windows. To fix this error, you can try installing a different Linux distribution or upgrading your version of Windows.
Error code 0x800704D4: This error can occur if you are trying to start a WSL distribution and the distribution is not installed. To fix this error, you can try installing the distribution or restarting your computer.

Error 0x8007007B: This error occurs when there is a problem with the permissions on the WSL installation directory. To fix this error, you can try the following steps:

Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator.
Navigate to the WSL installation directory.
Run the following command:
```icacls /grant administrators:(OI)(CI)(M) "%~dp0"

Error 0x80070422: This error occurs when there is a problem with the WSL kernel. To fix this error, you can try the following steps:

Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator.
Run the following command:
```wsl --unregister angled-bracket-here_distro_name_angled-bracket-here

Error 0x800704C7: This error occurs when there is a problem with the WSL configuration. To fix this error, you can try the following steps:

Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator.
Run the following command:
```wsl --export angled-bracket-here_distro_name_angled-bracket-here angled-bracket-here_export_file_angled-bracket-here

Error 0x800704D3: This error occurs when there is a problem with the WSL filesystem. To fix this error, you can try the following steps:

Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator.
Run the following command:
```wsl --delete angled-bracket-here_distro_name_angled-bracket-here