Get to know Mista Rau - #TableTopTag Video

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Duration: 39:57

In this video I respond to being Tabletop Tagged! If you got tagged by me you'll find the questions below as well as links to the people who tagged me and who I tagged.

First, here is All Games New and Old. David is one of the funniest, and most down to earth person you'll ever meet. His content is so unique and original that everyone should be looking at his stuff.

Folks I tagged!

The Meeple Dungeon
Robb and Anna-Marie are one of the cutest couples in board games, and their content is so genuine and natural that you can't help but fall in love with their conversation.

Dice & Dragons
Jayson and Julie are such amazing people, and their knowledge of the tabletop industry is exceptional. I'm happy to call them friends and guest on their show Kickstarter Excess or Value.

Cardboard Conjecture
Norm has been a long time friend, and is one of the busiest men in podcasting producing two shows a week: Cardboard Conjecture and Whatcha Been Playing Wednesdays. I got my start on CC appearing on the first 113 episodes and now after a short hiatus, I'm back bi-weekly.

Of Dice and Men
A fellow Canadian podcast in the next city over from Saskatoon. Their conversations are so engaging and always fun to listen to. They are what inspired me and Norm to start podcasting in the first place.

The Cardboard Kid
An inspiration to us all! Quality reviews and insights. It has been so much fun watching the Kid grow into her own and engaging with the Cardboard Family through social media.

If you got tagged, here are the questions for #tabletoptag!

Copy and paste to take part in the Tabletop Tag!
Do a video on your channel and/or leave your answers in the comments down below!

1. Name, age and location?
2. Favorite childhood board game?
3. When did you REALLY get into the board game hobby?
4. First game you purchased? Do you still own that game?
5. Any hobbies other than board games?
6. Your breakthrough game?
7. A theme that always draws you in?
8. Favorite mechanism(s)?
9. A mechanism you don't like or that you aren't good at?
10. Newest game(s) in your collection? Have you played it/them?
11. Favorite player count?
12. What is your board game pet peeve?
13. What player color do you use most often?
14. Read the rulebook or watch a how to play video?
15. Favorite snack to eat while playing board games?
16. Have you ever been to a board game convention? If so, which one(s)?
17. An unreleased game you are most looking forward to?
18. What is your favorite thing about the board game hobby?
19. Open and punch a game right when you get it or wait until you play it for the first time?
20. Others you would like to see do this tag?

Follow my gaming adventures across my social media:

Table Top Tag
Board Games
Board Game Geek
Mista Rau Gaming
All Games New and Old
Cardboard Conjecture
Meeple Dungeon
Dice and Dragons
Of Dice and Men