HALARA NIGHTMARE FAN SONG: Schrodinger's Cat - ft. SOLARIA(SynthV)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pErnib0xaGs

Duration: 4:16

…You think Halara would use their lucky coin as a guitar pick?
(This video is JJJreact friendly)
Alright! Another RAIN CODE song out of the way, and it’s another Master Detective! I think this is the longest time I spent on a song since MyWay. Usually songs take me about 3 days to complete but I wanted to make sure this song was both substantial and tweaked to (almost) perfection. I also used a new tuning method for this song. For Martina’s, I used sentence fragmenting, while I used Synth V’s built in note editor to tweak the notes, and it really makes a difference!

So for this song, I really wanted to emphasize Halara’s coolness and mysteriousness in the melody and lyrics. So the lyrics are a bit more cryptic than usual (though I do wonder if that’s more of a Vivia thing) and the instrumental has a deep, but powerful vibe to it. Calm and collected, but not afraid to land a couple punches. It gives me the feeling of a hardened noir detective prowling through a rainy city. (Though there were moments during production where I felt some bits had home depot vibes to them lol)

Speaking of the lyrics, these are my favorite lyrics I’ve ever written so far. They were so much fun to think of (both the imagery/symbolism and wordplay/rhyme structure), and I tried to capture every aspect of Halara’s character in it. I wonder if the themes of this song are a bit TOO on the nose though lol.

…And yeah, this song is VERY inspired by the Arctic Monkeys album Humbug (the name’s oddly fitting here). Let’s just hope it isn’t TOO inspired, I did try my best to make this its own thing as well.

Oh, and fun fact: This song was originally gonna be called “Astray” because it sounds kind of edgy and mysterious, but I feel Schrodinger's cat not only personifies this song a lot better, it has a more formal, composed feeling than the word astray does, which I believe fits Halara a lot more. And of course, the song HAD to relate to cats somehow (I mean, the song always was gonna, but it’s nice to have cat in the title too).
-Art/Composition/Tuning/Editing: Me
-Voice bank: SOLARIA AI (Synthesizer V)
-Sound effects:
(coin spinning) Free sound stock: https://freesoundstock.com/products/spinning-coin-sound-effect https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=11&v=GCE0MQK2Sww&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MzY4NDIsMjM4NTE&feature=emb_title
(money bag shake) PhilSavlem: https://freesound.org/people/PhilSavlem/sounds/338260/
For the coin flip, I used one of these two, but I forgot:
Bone666138: https://freesound.org/people/bone666138/sounds/198877/
InspectorJ: https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/sounds/342242/

Rain Code
Master Detective Archives
Fan Song
Music video
Lyric video
Synthesizer V
Vocal Synth
fanmade song