HBM Boss Theme 2: Take Thy Danmaku in Hand, O Bulletphiles

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_hTSQvQwgI

Duration: 10:01

Despite seeming serious at first, ultimately this song sounds like "check out my cool spells, let's fight!!". Maybe it's more hot-blooded?
I was going to complain about Sanae doing that thing she does, but in the end I think Suika gave me the most trouble because I couldn't figure out her last spell for the life of me. At least a decent chunk of the spells in this game are new.


The soundtrack comes from バレットフィリア達の闇市場 〜 100th Black Market, the 18.5th Touhou game. Building on the "Ability Card" system from Unconnected Marketeers, this game revolves around adventuring through randomly generated stages while collecting money to purchase and eventually permanently unlock ability cards.

Song: Take Thy Danmaku in Hand, O Bulletphiles (弾幕を持て、パレッドフィリア達よ)
Composer: ZUN
Image artist: 藤原あおい
Image source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98395155