LeapFrog RockIt Twist

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgUeUASTsfY

Duration: 6:32

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LeapFrog RockIt Twist (4+)

Meet LeapFrog RockIt Twist! It’s a rotatable learning game system. It’s a brand new handheld game system specifically designed for preschoolers and young kids. Currently, there’s nothing in the handheld game arena for preschool age kids.

The RockIt Twist is loaded with tons of fun games as well as learning games. LeapFrog wants to ensure kids are having fun while learning. It’s like baking the vegetables into the cookies. Kids don’t know that they’re getting something that’s really good for them.

Notice the RockIt Twist features controls all along the outside. As we’re playing the different games, you use the different input controls to play.

Albert’s Escape is one of the included games. Use the D-Pad to move Albert along the path. Once you get to the boxes, you see the slider light up. Moving your finger along the slider makes Albert big and knocks the boxes out of the way. Turning the right dial can control various platforms in this learning and problem solving game. All throughout the game you’re going to use all these different input controls to move Albert along the path.

In addition to fun, there’s learning baked into the Leapfrog Twist. In one learning game, for example, you have to pop the balloon greater than or less than the displayed number. Using the 3x3 button grid controls, you can throw some darts to pop the correct balloons. If you get the answer wrong, it bounces off. But get it right and it pops the balloon. So that’s an example of the learning content baked into the Twist.

In all there are 12 different games, there’s RockIt Pets – you can launch a little RockIt Pet, nurture it, and take care of it. As you do that, your pet evolves and grows up. It’s sort of like Tamagotchi.

In addition to all the content that’s built into the system itself, VTech/LeapFrog offers additional RockIt Game Packs. The gamepacks may be purchased separately. You can download additional content. So it comes with the egg and a little figure inside. The figure corresponds to the RockIt Pet loaded onto your RockIt Twist. You get a download code. Connect the Twist to a computer and enter the download code and you get all the new games onto your RockIt Twist as well as the pet that corresponds to your little figure.

Kids love putting these fun and cute pets on their backpacks and taking them to school. So there’s a fun connection in the physical to the digital pet that you’re going to get as well.

The VTech LeapFrog RockIt Twist is available now. The unit retails for $59.99 while the expansions run $7.99 for a single pack and $14.99 for a 2-Pack.

You can change the orientation of the system, depending on the game you are playing. So in some cases you’ll be playing in portrait mode, while in others you’ll be playing in landscape mode. It doesn’t change as you turn it, but each game lets you know how to hold the device. In some cases you’ll be using the 3x3 grid and other controls, but in some cases you could use all of the controls. It really depends on the game that you’re playing. And that’s really the fun, varied content that kids love. It’s kind of a surprise for them when they load the game up, they don’t know exactly what they’re going to get and what they’re going to use to play. But the unit will guide them through that experience.

There are 8 different inputs, lights underneath each one, so it’s really fun and engaging for kids. Based on LeapFrog’s kid tests, they absolutely love this. It’s fun and there’s learning baked into this as well. Kids don’t necessarily know they are learning while playing a game – they’re simply having fun. There are also spelling games, counting games, numbers, and more.

One of the highlights is a game called Albert’s Escape. In this game, every level you get to has different controls and inputs.

It’s almost limitless the fun you can create with this and kids love it. For younger kids, it’s not so much WHAT you’re playing, but HOW you’re playing. They really like the idea of HOW I’m playing it that’s fun to them.

The RockIt Twist doesn’t connect to the Internet. The number of games you get with expansion depends on the pack which varies. But anywhere between 2-4 games plus your additional pack and the pets are really fun in here. You have to hatch them from their egg and take care of them – so you can feed them, clean them, and even tickle them with a little feather. It’s a lot like Tamagotchi. The fact that kids also get a physical connection to it is really cute as well.

For older kids you have the Nintendo 2DS/3DS, but for younger kids 4 and up, this is really geared for them. Parents don’t have to feel guilty because kids will get some good learning out of this handheld learning game system.

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