Let's Play The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword (Hero Mode) - Part 99 - Demise of the Ritual
In this part Ghirahim succeeds in his goal of reviving Demise! But that's going to stop Link from kicking his ass!
This Final Boss is pretty hard. If you know what your doing (and are incredible at shield bashing) the fight can be over in less than a minute. But otherwise get ready for a tough battle. He does a whopping amount of damage, especially if you're on Hero Mode, and he will block 90% of your attacks easily.
Phase 1 of the battle, he will just toy with you mostly. Slash at him and when he blocks, try and go for his exposed area, where he isn't blocking. This Phase is really easy, but it'll take a while...unless you use rapid shield/sword swing/ attacks, but that's hard to pull off without practice.
Phase 2 is where the fight really begins. He can now charge his sword by lifting it up into the sky....sound familiar? Yeah, I figured out what to do right away on my first playthrough. The visual cue is pretty obvious.
I could have done a lot better on this phase. I underestimated how well he blocks, and end up getting shocked on his sword. My advice for you is to stay away from him, and a dodge a lot, lifting your sword into the air periodically to try and steal his thunder. (hehe)
This boss can be beaten without relying on the Skyward Strike....but that's way to MLG for me to pull off.
After giving him the old Ganondorf treatment (a sword into the _____) Demise reveals the origins of EVERY VILLAIN IN THE SERIES.
Yep. Pretty much if it's a villain in this series, it's a re-incarnation of Demise's hatred. (Ganondorf being the most prominent one)
That does it for the game. tomorrow will be the ending and credits roll!
Enjoy the video ;D
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