Lurk in the dark [demo/prologue]

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Duration: 44:48


First off, this is the first time I liked the title better than the game, i included the end title because I thought it was awesome.
The game however is a fucking dumpsterfire, seriously as I say on a card in the game, then I had to start over because solving a puzzle didn't open anything, and I couldn't progress.
And i can honestly not figure out if some stuff is timed or what, because I seemed to walk back and forth in halls an awful lot, which I lazily edited out, otherwise the video would have the double runtime.

So i see they have a translator, but there are just some hillarious stuff in there. Like out main character stating "how dare her leave me?" Yeah, how dare her indeed! But that was not what made me laugh, in the tunnel with the sin doors, at the end it says in capital letters "WHY ARE YOU ARIVE?" and the subtitles say 'why are you alive'... I seriously had to pause the game and laugh..
And then there are the Ruggles man, I am super confused. He is both John, Jim and Ben? Well there are letters, and mentions to all three names - maybe it's a translation thing, but they seem pretty consistent with both Marcus and Billy... oh well..
The pendent and the moon disc - were there a reason for that? I guess there might be in the full game, I mean there IS a list of people, and you might play them all accordingly? I mean so one is trapped or dies and leaves something to someone else? I don't know man... if it's not like that, then I don't know why I picked up those things - because when you pick up the moon disc that obviously goes on that sun and moon door in the beginning, you can't leave the area with the phonebooth.

Give it a try if you like these type games, the controls are infuriating and over complicated, but apart from that, I sort of liked it.