LV Zenith MUGEN #8: Good Friends Duke It Out... As Self-Inserts?

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Duration: 3:24

WARNING: This video may contain images that are not suitable for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.

Oh, Thentavius. You just can't get enough of me doing your challenges, can you? And I love you for it... as a bro... no homo, yeah.

So, Thent came to me with another request/challenge for me to fight a character that he plays (as far as MUGEN goes). Today, I fight the hero from Persona 3 aka "P3Hero," for short (or Minato Arisato if you follow the manga religiously), by UN. Last I faced this character was during a team battle (also challenged by Thent) along with Demi-Fiend. However, this time, the requested battle is 1-on-1.

Of course, there are conditions attached to this fight: 1) Buster Megaman or Cell (now retired) can't fight unless the situation is desperate enough to use them, 2) the match is to be best out of five (i.e. 3 out of 5), and 3) as an optional condition, the fight is to be done with P3Hero's ATK and DEF set to 125.

Of course, I fight while fulfilling all the stipulated conditions, including the optional one. As the title suggests, I fight as my group's co-leader, Zenith. However, I do this for a very special reason. It's been a long time since this concept has been used, but for those that aren't in the know, P3Hero is the MUGEN representation of Thentavius as he manages his team, the God Slayers, back when MUGEN teams were more, for a lack of a better phrase, "relevant." At the same time, Zenith was the MUGEN representation of myself (see the "Copy Pandemonium Incident" videos for details). Thus, to make this fight a little bit more personal, I've changed the names of P3Hero and Zenith to Thent and myself, respectively and temporarily. This was a fight I had in mind to do for a long time, so thank you, Thent, for conveniently making this challenge so I can finally do this.

As a brief mention of the fight itself, it was a nice little challenge. However, this was more tedious, than outright difficult due to P3Hero's AI habits; thanks to his AI patch, of course.

Opponent: P3Hero by UN (AI Patched by KELN)
Stage: Blue Elevator Remix
BGM: reincarnation / iso cheep FUCKIN' buster dope mix by isodope (Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Remixes "Oratorio Tangram")

Vucious' Random Rant: Er, was... was that a... penis mosnter I saw? And did said penis monster jizz explosions? Does that mean the penis monster jizzed explosions on me? I was jizzed on by explosions!? Dude... the hell, man?!

Also, if anyone else out there has a challenge for me to take on for the hell of it, or just out of spite against me to prove that I suck ass, feel free to let me know, and I'll see what I can do.
