LV MUGEN Thingy: Return of the Ravaging Robotic Replicas

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Duration: 4:52

Recent roughhousings reveal a ridiculously redunant ruckus, rookies.

Seriously, Kula and Len... these two have been subject to more cloning than any other character that isn't a Shoto (original or clone... or even a clone of a clone for that matter). Of course, with this being the case, there would be robotic versions of these two. So having done bouts with robotic clones in the past, why not do it again with these two.

Match #1 - LV Morrigan MUGEN #15
Opponent: Robo-Kula by KYLL (AI patch by Vitz; Lv. 5 AI)
Stage: VR Training
BGM: Bionic Electronica OC Remix by Big Giant Circles (Bionic Commando - GB Version)
Comments: Oh boy, a patch that can kill an opponent with two or three combos (if caught) and abuses a DP that out-prioritizes everything. How fun; just saying.

Match #2 - LV Roll MUGEN #6
Opponent: Robo-Len by Ukege (AI Patch by Ouchi; Lv. 11 AI)
Stage: Inside the Cyber Space Network
BGM: Industrialism (ZX Tunes)
Comments: There are quite a bit of Megaman-related materials in Robo-Len which strike me funny. Really though, the patch seem to use quite a bit of Robo-Len's arsenal of Megaman weapons and really likes to use throws in close. Also, while not shown in the video, don't let Robo-Len hit all three of her cake attacks if you don't want crap all over the place.

Vucious' Random Rant: These two matches are actually somewhat replacement matches. For Roll, I originally wanted her to fight Dust of Osiris (who was taken down by K9999), but it was way too much especially with DoO's unblockables and Roll's limited abilities.

As for Morrigan, I wanted this to be the return of using POTS' Morrigan since I played with Hsieh's a lot more in recent bouts. Unfortunately, I couldn't cut the mustard (mostly due to rust), and I had to resort to using Hsieh's again. Guess, this means one way or another, I will use POTS' Morrigan the next chance I get since she didn't get any play for quite some time. Of course, take all that for what you will.
