Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 (XBONE) | MMX3 Tunnel Rhino Stage

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Duration: 8:20

Part 2 of 13 - Mega Man X3 playthroughs. (XBONE)

Okay, I'm back to continues the Mega Man X3 playthroughs for this month. Now for my first stage will be Tunnel Rhino's stage, an underground cavern.

In this stage, you'll come across a few large boulders and plenty of climbing on walls. Since this is my first starting stage, I'll begin the playthrough of this stage clearly.

At the start of the stage, you'll be moving forward straightly. Be sure to watch out from above by a flying droids carrying a large boulder to drop on your head, then lands on their feet and shooting missiles at you. The boulder can be destroyed by that'll won't be a main problem since it'll still falls onto you. Just dashing out of the way, like take a step back once its drops, then began attacking that small enemy while its vulnerable to hits.

Once you've reaches and climbed down the ladder, you'll come across an enemy that can barricade the floor and ceiling, blocking your path. Just shoot at the head that sliding down like a screw. After taking care of it, there's another one shaped like a falling rock. After taking a few hits, it's rock shield will be downed and it'll be vulnerable to be destroy. Of course, it'll recover its rock shield like magnet, so quickly shoot it down. Climb upward and you'll see a two-ways path. On your right, you'll see a large boulder strapped to a ropes. There's a heart tank you can pick up to increase your life gauge, but your normal attack won't shoot the boulder down. You'll need a certain weapon and an armor part to bring it down. So come back to this place once you've reached a certain requirements. (In other words, I'll be posting up a special video later after playing through all stages.) As for the left, its another one of the same boulder bot. Take it down and climb up afterward.

On the top level, there's a steam of mud falling out the ceiling. Getting touch by those will make you slow and you'll fall quicker while mid-air. So watch out for those to avoid falling on spikes or gaps. After moving up higher enough, there's one more falling mud steam in front of you. Wait for it to goes by, then dash jump to the wall and climb up bu wall jumping and you'll find yourself a sub tank, for a recovery backup when in peril. You'll need to refills those with some life recovery capsules. (you'll hear a sound with picked up. A different sound will chime with full.) Whenever you pick it up or not, make sure you either take care of those wall-clinging robots, or just drop pass through them.

Below you is a gate for a special midway boss, which you'll encounter soon after the second stage. In other case, just keep on moving forward.

After passing through the gates, you'll spot an armored vehicle bot with two drills. It'll fire each drills number of times, then shoot a small bomb from its sides. Once you'll blasted it, it'll automatically fired both drills toward you. So jump out of the way. While moving on forward, watch out for a large boulders across your way. You'll see it began to fall by being loose. If falling from ceiling, either step out of the way or wait til its crashed to the ground. Afterward, jump over the gap and climb up the wall, but watch out for another boulder above you. Dash jump to the other side for safety.

SECRET HINTS: If you chose this stage as your third or later stage, after you've passed the first huge boulder, there's a huge gap in front of you. Jump to the other and slide down the wall for safer reasons. Once you've slowly slide down, you'll notice the screen began to scroll down and revealed a secret teleporter. Enter it and you'll be transported to a secret area, with a secret boss awaits you. IMPORTANT: If you chose this as your first or second, DON'T jump in the gap and keep on climbing.

After avoiding the third boulder, you'll see another boulder being strapped to the ropes, just like before. Once again, you'll still need a certain part and weapon to do this, so come back later for it. (I'll demonstrate it in my video soon after all of the eight stages.) While moving on ahead, there's a fourth and last boulder to avoid. You can either jump down then back up, or keep going down but quickly move to the right to avoid falling into the huge pit by accident. Afterward, move toward a gate to fight against a mid-boss.

This mid-boss is just one thing simple; just charging toward you then back itself away. This thing is very easily to beat and avoid. So shoot it with your charged shot a few times. After you beat it, keep moving on til you've reached the boss of this stage, Tunnel Rhino.

Tunnel Rhino is a charging hulk type boss. He's charge toward you with his drill headbutt charge. Sometime he'll stop himself by either braking or a surprise attack. He'll evens gain invincibility when he's low health. He can evens set up three set of drills in front of him, then charge after you. Dash jump from a wall to avoid him and some of his attacks. He's weak against Acid.

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Crimson Jak
Megaman X Legacy Collection
Super Nintendo / SNES games
Xbox One
Tunnel Rhino
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1
Mega Man X3
Stage Playthrough
Megaman X