MOST Toxic Substances on Earth

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From pure rattlesnake venom to destructive metals, here are 13 MOST Toxic Substances on Earth

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5. Mercury
Mercury is all around us. It’s in our fluorescent light bulbs, our thermometers, and even swimming around in our oceans. It’s also one of the most common elements that can turn cities into toxic wastelands. Look at new Idria California for example. The discovery of Mercury here was important for gold mining and this happened during a time when gold mining was sweeping through Northern California. The mercury is used to extract gold from gold ore and it results in a much purer gold. It became an important mining location up until the mine closed in 1972 and people began to realize how toxic mercury truly was. The mercury got into people’s water supply here and caused the shutdown of an entire city. Most cases of mercury poisoning are results of long term exposure. For example, mercury is found in fish and if you eat fish 2 times a day for 20 years, it lead to things such as reduced cognitive function, organ failure, muscle weakness and speech impairments. This photo here shows a person experimenting with mercury which is actually a liquid metal at room temperature. The slightest change of temperature with mercury will cause it to expand or retract, making it useful in thermometers, however they’ve now become dangerous and less are used.

4. Mustard Gas
Also known as sulphur mustard, this is definitely not something you want to put on your hotdog. Mustard Gas gets its nickname from the unique rotten, mustardy garlic, onion smell it gives off and is classified as a blister agent. So not only does it smell bad but it will seriously blister your eyes and lungs. Once it’s irritated your body's entire respiratory system, it then acts as a poison, attacking your bodies cells. Eyes will swell, tear up and the voice will coarsen. It’s almost like pepper spray on steroids Severe blisters are left to immobilize the intended target. This was commonly used in World War 1 and also in the Middle East during Iraq-Iran War although chemical warfare has been banned by the UN.

3. Ethylene Glycol
Also known as antifreeze, this cheap substance can be deadlier than other poisons not necessarily becauses it’s more toxic but because it has a fairly sweet taste to it and won’t be detected too easily. It can be toxic to pets too who might find the lure of the taste to be irresistible and is unfortunately a common form of accidental pet poisoning. It’s important to check for antifreeze leaks coming from your car. All it takes is less than 3 ounces and this can be fatal to a medium sized dog. It’s rapidly absorbed into the gastrointestinal system, which might give victims a brief feeling of drunkenness. But quickly in turns into one of those nights where you pounded down 10 shots of vodka and are extremely nauseous. It will quickly lead to liver and brain failure and eventually… much worse.. Even if someone survives ingesting this toxic substance, it’s very likely they will have kidney damage, brain damage and possibly blindness.

2. Bactrachotoxin
Another lethal substance found in nature, this one comes straight from a poisonous frog. This lethal cocktail of deadly toxins are used in poison darts and can kill its target within a matter of seconds. The strange part about how this toxin is found, is that the frog doesn’t produce this chemical itself. It comes from part of their diet of poisonous beetles. You are what you eat I guess. The poison paralyzes the muscles, leaving the victim immobile but still alive, similar to tetrodotoxin. Eventually the poison moves to the heart and triggers a heart attack. Basically, you can’t go around eating random frogs or beetles or you might get exposed to this one.

1. Botulinum Toxin

You probably have never heard of the scientific name but I’m sure you’ve heard of botox! That’s right, the stuff people are injecting into their face to look younger is, in fact, a neurotoxic poison. Like a lot of things on this list, too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Not trying to give anyone any ideas here but if somehow terrorists got a hold of this substance, just one gram of airborne botox could kill an estimated million people. While a very small amount is used in treating muscle stiffness, this neurotoxin has devastating capabilities. Links between muscles and nerves are completely cutoff leading to respiratory failure.If you can’t breathe, you can’t live, end of story.

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most dangerous substances on the planet
most toxic substances
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mustard gas
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