playing freedoom whilst listening to podcasts

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Duration: 1:38:58

I like playing old video games from the 90's that take little to no effort or concentration while listening to random podcasts about things like pop culture, news, events, shopping, music, entertainment....
...oh, and WAR.
a youtube podcast happened to show up randomly in the auto play list from some old dude I never heard of b4 who was apparently a prosecutor for New York radio stations talking about Q-anon conspiracy theories about Mel Gibson sculpting giant flaming baby heads and throwing them into golden crucifixes that had Ronald McDonald's trans-daughter labeled upside down for a royal outer space aluminum cylinder execution or something like this.

Actually whoever this random elderly gentleman was I have no idea, I don't remember and never will because I'm just another stoopid consumer 40-year-old teenage non-binary feminine with 15 different colored hair products every 3 hours and 57,000 shortform superior junkfood media clips from Instagram, TikTok and Twitter / X every 20 minutes and I'm more concerned with construction workers and defunded cops calling me by proper gender pronoun : That of the "Wavering Toxic Gypsy HandBag Vigilantee." You'd better remember to refer to me as that, or I will go to Washington and make it a law that you have to refer to me as that title every single time you address me or you will be thrown in jail and forced to re-educated with pizza collages and bronies living together in affordable housing. I will do this by looting Target stores and getting bailed out of jail by my infiltrated Soros-Rex henchman minion-parents who scream at me to stop talking to journalists

But actually this random talking individual was making some good points, despite the fact that I have no attention span and no longterm rememory abilties because what some latest hip hop left hand of sAtan said on tiktok was waaaay too much more important and I'm going to become the next millionaire influencer by selling cheap distractions & aluminum-filled cosmetic products.
Listen and remember someone who makes sense if you have the courage. I won't cause I'm part of the mob of the new grey aliens who breed by breathing pixels into solid state pocket drives for the next smart guy to remember cause I'm too lazy and my idiot friends are showing and telling me far more important things that are easier and more immediately comfortable to dance around like a silly moron to all night drinking and partying