Prisoner's Daughter Movie Review

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Duration: 11:41


The Prisoner’s Daughter is a 2023 American drama film directed by Catherine Hardwicke, who is best known for her work on Twilight and Thirteen1. The film stars Kate Beckinsale and Brian Cox as a father-daughter duo who have a complicated and strained relationship. Beckinsale plays Maxine, a single mother who is struggling to make ends meet and raise her son Ezra, who is bullied at school. Cox plays Max, a former mob enforcer and boxer who is released from prison after 12 years and diagnosed with terminal cancer. He tries to reconnect with his daughter and grandson, who want nothing to do with him at first.

The film follows Max as he moves in with Maxine and Ezra, who are living in their old house that is about to be foreclosed. Maxine agrees to let him stay, but only as a tenant who pays rent and buys his own food. She also forbids him from telling Ezra that he is his grandfather, and introduces him as an old uncle. Max, however, is determined to make amends and bond with his family. He teaches Ezra how to box and stand up to bullies, and he also helps him with his schoolwork and hobbies. He also tries to mend his relationship with Maxine, who is resentful of his absence and his criminal past. He apologizes for his mistakes and shows her that he cares for her and Ezra.

The film also explores Max’s past and present as a mob enforcer and boxer. He is haunted by the memories of the people he killed and the violence he inflicted. He is also pursued by his former boss, who wants him to do one last job for him. Max refuses, but his boss threatens to harm his family if he doesn’t comply. Max is also friends with another ex-con, played by Ernie Hudson, who runs a boxing gym and owes him a favor. Hudson’s character tries to help Max out of his predicament and offers him a place to stay and train.

The film is a mix of drama, action, and emotion, as it depicts the struggles and redemption of a broken man and his family. The film has a strong cast, especially Cox and Beckinsale, who deliver powerful and nuanced performances. Cox portrays Max as a tough but vulnerable man who is trying to make up for his lost time and his sins. Beckinsale portrays Maxine as a strong but bitter woman who is torn between her anger and her love for her father. The film also features a great soundtrack, composed by Mark Isham, who is known for his work on Crash and A River Runs Through It. The music adds to the mood and the atmosphere of the film, and complements the scenes and the dialogue.

The film, however, is not without its flaws. The film has a predictable plot and a clichéd premise, as it follows the familiar tropes of a family drama and a crime thriller. The film also has a tonal shift in the final act, as it turns from a realistic and gritty drama into a violent and unrealistic action movie. The film also has some plot holes and inconsistencies, such as how Max is able to get out of prison so easily, and how he is able to evade the police and his enemies. The film also has some scenes that are melodramatic and sentimental, such as the ending, which is supposed to be emotional and uplifting, but comes across as cheesy and forced.

The Prisoner’s Daughter is a film that has its strengths and weaknesses, but it is ultimately a decent and enjoyable movie that showcases the talents of its cast and crew. The film premiered at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival, where it received mixed reviews from critics and audiences.

A father fights for the love of his daughter and grandson, after serving twelve years in prison.

Prisoner's Daughter
Brian Cox
Kate Beckinsale
Ernie Hudson
Movie Review
Mark Kubr
Steven Littles
Movie Reviewr