[PS5] Safari Pinball - Extra Ball Trophy

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXGC-YkRCJI

Duration: 3:21

This is without a doubt the toughest and most frustrating trophy in the game, unless you got really lucky on your first couple of tries. While simple in name, getting an extra ball requires numerous steps and executing perfect timed flipper shots especially toward the last few lighted in-ground target ramps. It took me many, many, many painful failed attempts before pulling it off in this video.

Here're the steps needed.
1) You need to expose the drop hole in the topmost right hut. This is done by hitting the ramp with the lighted triangle. This is easiest at the start of a new game/ball, since the right ramp is the one you need to hit and it is relatively easy from the left flipper.
2) Next, you need to lower the curved barrier blocking the topmost right hut hole. There is a red target that goes up and down on the right of the hut in the middle of the table. Hit it when it is down. NOTE that if you inadvertently hit this target again, the curved barrier will be raised. :(
3) Now you need to shoot the ball into the hole in the topmost right hut. I found this easiest with the left flipper. You'll probably need to practice quite a bit to get the flipper timing right.

Once the ball goes in, the camcorder viewfinder expands to a mini pinball table with a rhino in the middle. This might look like a simple table, but they intentionally tweaked the flipper timing to be slower so will throw you off guard if you're used to the main table flipper responsiveness.
4) You'll now see standing lighted/blinking drop targets. You need to hit all of them. A new one will pop up once you down one. There is no time limit to these standing targets so take your time.

Now comes the really challenging bit.
5) After all the standing blinking targets are downed, the in-ground circular blinking targets start to appear one at a time. Eg. the first 3 in-ground ones requires hitting the leftmost ramp 3 times in succession. Various in-ground blinking targets will then appear requiring the correct ramp shots. NOTE that these now are TIMED! Meaning if you fail to hit each of these target within 30 seconds, the table will reset and you will have start from step 4 all over again! The last 2 in-ground ramp shots have the biggest size circles and are the topmost left and topmost right. Once these last 2 are hit, the extra ball trophy will pop. You can then safely drain your ball. Back at the main table, you will also see the big 'Extra Ball' circle lit at the bottom middle of the table in between the flippers.

So many times have I come close. Just needed one more ramp hit but messed up the timing and/or lose the ball. :( Definitely not for the faint of heart when your adrenaline is flowing knowing you have just one more ramp to hit! Good luck!

Playstation 5
Safari Pinball
Extra Ball