Rants from the Multiverse: Ugh...MORE Knee Jerk Reactions?!?

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_5gQY46I28

Duration: 11:11

Ugh seriously guys? It's really come down to this crap again? Everyone is just having major Knee Jerk reactions still to new things in geek culture. The Female Bad-Ass in Mandalorian, The new Harley Quinn show, Dr.Manhattan being Black in the Watchemn show, hell I'll beat people to the punch and can already predict the outrage at the Wonder Woman of China POSSIBLY being the 5G replacement to Wondie herself!

From what I see, people are either so bitter about the big two or other geek culture related things, they are quicker to focus on thing more Ideologically instead of, you know, what's actually entertaining! People are so jaded they will just knee jerk and anything, even if it's good or has the potential to be good, and scream out it's the worst case scenario! But downside to this all is that it'll make us all look just like how the haters claimed us to be!

Bad-Ass Woman appears in Mandalorians "GAH SHE CAN PUT UP A FIGHT! SHE'S A MARY-SUE! OH THE CRINGE!" yeah that fits the accusations that we don't want any female characters.

The New Harley Quinn Show puts emphasis on her relationship with Ivy: "REEE THEY'RE MAKING HER FULL LESBIAN AND PUSHING SJW-ISMS DOWN OUR THROATS!" Uhh...guys they're still keeping her being Bi AND come on we have a drunk Jim Gordon in here...are you really going to take it THAT seriously (and the "White People" comment...yeah that came from the Joker is disguise remember that)

ETC ETC I could go on and on! Seriously this does not make our side look good...in fact it makes us look childish! It's one thing to say "I don't like this take" it's another to parade around the internet claiming it's the worst thing ever AND get into fights over those who don't agree.

Seriously people...take a chill pill!

Harley Quinn
The Mandalorian
Wonder Woman of China