Satisfactory - Prep Patch 3 Game Save Share
This is my prep patch 3 Satisfactory game save. Included in the ZIP file is the save file and an Excel file showing the status of the mineral bus.
Save Download URL =!AqH9wCFUYDgUxTzSRFSz_Y6q-CD4?e=4njTP9
1. On the keyboard press [Windows Key] + [R] to bring up the run window.
2. Paste the following then click [OK]:
3. Unzip the Satisfied.sav file into a folder that has the name with a bunch of numbers and letters. For example my save folder was "bf7dca78f1d14ac5a28c461c639c1a75".
4. Start the game and load the Satisfied level.
5. Enjoy
What's included:
- All hard drives researched
- All S.A.M. items researched
- Tiers 1-7 complete
- Store with every item in the game
- Raw mineral bus started with multiple lanes of 1200ppm items
- Cross map fast travel belted roads
- Doggo zoo
- Machine to make and store items such as biofuel, power shards, fabric, ...
- Almost 40 GW of power (coal, fuel, turbofuel)
- Factories started but not build due to expected ratio changes in patch 3.
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Satisfactory Statistics For Blastroid
At this time, Blastroid has 437,254 views for Satisfactory spread across 34 videos. The game makes up 5 hours of published video on his channel, roughly 50.79% of Satisfactory content that Blastroid has uploaded to YouTube.