Semi-Experienced Dishonored Playthrough: The Flooded District

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Duration: 1:07:20

First time through the first section is fine, but the second time through was a mix of sloppy play and bad luck, but didn't set me back too much.

Getting my gear back was clean enough, no real holdups outside of weepers being a bit annoying to deal with in this area.

The area outside of Daud's Base gave me unreasonable levels of hell, and inside didn't fare much better at all. Dog RNG is brutal, the the assassins have their way of ruining attempts by moving at the WORST times. Everything past the lower floor of Daud's Base was extremely simple though, my reset on looting Daud was due to poor positioning.

Basically skip most of the inbetween of Daud's Base and the Sewers, only a Bone Charm and Rune to collect, but I did admittedly forget to pick up the Sticky Grenade blueprint here, so the run technically isn't all collectables, sorry about that.

The Sewers is not worth talking about outside of the Granny Rags encounter. run past them, cameo in furnace, go out window, lean to see when she becomes alert but don't be visible to her or else she will break ghost. Sleep Dart or Choke her, dart doesn't require anything else while choke mandates Bend Time 2.