[TAS] Stardate 20X7 Map 06 NM Speed in 0:04.51 by almostmatt1

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWWnYL3jFEI

Duration: 0:07

Information in the text files submitted alongside demos may contain errors, missing information, links that are now dead, or contact info that is no longer valid. In particular many .txt files refer to doomedsda.us, a demo archive that no longer exists. Everything has been left as-is, with the goal to accurately represent the material as it appears in the archive. Links to the PWAD & Demo on dsdarchive.com are found at the bottom of the description.

Demo created (YYYY/MM/DD): 2021-12-26
** .Txt File **

PWAD: Stardate 20X7
IWAD: Doom 2
Map: 06
Skill: Nightmare!
Category: NM-Speed
Exe: XDRE 2.22a (Custom build)
Time: 0:04.51
Author: almostmatt1

Comments: All credit to 4shockblast for the trick idea. He got a 5.80 UV-Pacifist run and I wanted to see if 4 seconds was possible on Nightmare, due to Arch Viles attacking the player faster. I played with RNG seeds a bit to find a half decent one but this was a fairly quick build. Also pacifist.

** Viddump & Upload Details **
IWAD: Doom 2
Source Port: DSDA-Doom 0.26.2
Smooth Demo Playback: On
Smooth Demo Playback Factor: 2
Change Palette On Pain: Off
Use Extended HUD: Yes
** Links **
PWAD Link: https://dsdarchive.com/files/wads/doom2/2523/sd20x7.zip
Demo File Link: https://dsdarchive.com/files/demos/sd20x7/58623/sdx706nx451.zip